Cute Boy

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• Why is it so strong! •°*"˜.•°*"˜



I knew this place was a great choice! Not only can I openly be affectionate to my boyfriends, I can a really cute waiter too! Don't worry about us cheating. We have a very open relationship and always ask out boyfriends for consent for things. Hyunjin, Minho, and Chan Hyung all kinda do their own things but they always make sure to check our feelings.

What I also loved was that each table had a little room so we had lots of privacy. That was a huuugggeee perk! I knew we'd like this place but nobody would take me before.

When the blonde came back with our drinks, he handed me mine with a bright grin. The waiter seemed really timid after the entire Minho incident and I think he was enjoying it. Felix finished putting the drinks down on the table before he gave a small grin towards the entire table.

"If needed, I can give you all a little time to look at our menus. We have the food menu of course, then we have out extra services, like the venting fee, blanket fee, and upgrade. Pretty much anything located in there." He explained smoothly. His right hand motioned towards the secondary menu, politely showing them.

Chan realized that nobody even glanced at the food on the menu. He gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, I think we need a little time. We didn't even look."

(Alright, I know Cafe is in the name but we all need a little real life click bait, right?)

"That's quite alright. Just call me once you need me."

The exact instant Felix left the room, Hyunjin snatched the menu and began to read it. "Upgraded room 40,000₩ ($31.19 or 25.89£) Bed pullout 31,000₩ (20.07£ or $24.17), Heating Blanket 20,000₩($15.59 or 12.94£), Blah blah blah... there's nothing good on here." He frowned.

"Jinnie- what were you expecting? A date with him?" Changbin laughed, grabbing the menu from him.

The redhead glared over at him, "Of course not. I just wanted to know if there's anything- er... too pricey." Minho rolled his eyes and whispered into Hyunjin's ear something. Said boy perked up with a smirk as they whispered to eachother.

"Aish... there go those two..." Chan denounced as he took a sip of his drink.

I laughed, before reaching over the table to grab Minho's drink. My purple haired boyfriend stopped his whispering and looked at me before eyes back on his drink. I gave an innocent smile before taking his drink in my hand and taking a sip.

A strong scent of alcohol hit my nose while a mix of pineapple, coconut, and strawberry filled my tastebuds. The taste of a bitterness, most likely either tequila or vodka, made it decent. Personally, i didn'tlike the amount of alcohol that mixed with all this fruit. I coughed a little from the overwhelming presence of alcohol, setting the drink down.

"Why is it so strong!" I cried, pushing it away. I looked at it while the older chuckled and took a drink of it with ease.

"Jeongin-ah~ I think you're just a lightweight." He pestered, grabbing my hand. I frowned and glared at him.

"I got soju for a reason." He said.

Chan laughed before pushing his drink towards me, "Wanna try?" He offered sweetly. I nodded before grabbing the drink.

His had more of an obvious scent of alcohol, as it looked like wine. When you tasted it, it had a refined taste, differnet from other wines, but definitely superior.

"Better than Minho Hyung's." I said, pulling my hand out of said male's. "Channie Hyung is much nicer to me than Minho Hyung." I grinned and Chan pecked my nose sweetly. Rolling his eyes the two idiots continued their conversation, already over the slander to his drink. Hyunjin left his hand on Changbin's thigh, teasing him. I could see from under the table, and it was painfully obvious from the way Changbin kept trying to smack his hand away, since he was having a conversation with Seungminnie and Jisungie.

Minho kept looking at me, up and down before going back to talking with Hyunjin. Both acted as if they were doing nothing.

Chan and I had our own conversation.

"What are those two trying at now..?" Chan saw the way they were teasing the others, and himself.

"I don't know Hyung..." My eyes directed back to the menu. "Hey guys? Does everyone know what they want?"

All of their eyes floated to me, then responding with yeses or a nod. I quickly hit the button, eager to see our lovely waiter again. After a minute or so, Felix came back, his presence a little more down that before. He still smiled, but it wasn't as genuine.

"I'm back! I'm guessing you all decided." They nodded. My eyes were locked on his as he asked me what I wanted to eat. I responded quickly, studying his black locks and shining brown eyes.

When he moved on, I couldn't help but feel shy under his glance. His eyes floated back to my face as I smiled down nervously to myself. Every time he pulled his eyes away, I knew he dragged them back. When he said my smile was cute, I guess he truly meant it.

"Alright, I'll go place your orders in. Do you need anything else in the meantime?" He questioned carefully, eyes drifting around the entire table. I raised my head.

"If you aren't too busy, could you stay and chat?" My voice was soft, and I was really hoping he could.

His smile wavered its brightness, "I'm sorry Jeongin-ssi, I have other customers and I would hate to leave them waiting, especially when we're this busy. But maybe if you come again another day, I could." Regaining his passion, his mouth swirled into a huge grin. I nodded.

"Okay, I will."

He bowed to us before leaving. I couldn't help but smile to myself, thinking about his kind eyes and pretty face. The others looks suspiciously at me with narrowed eyes.

Everyone but Minho and Hyunjun who both continued their conversation seemed careless of my strange behavior.

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now