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"*°•.˜"*°•Are you serious...?•°*"˜.•°*"˜



Weeks have passed. Felix grew closer with everyone, and everyone learned to treat Felix carefully. He opened up about the trauma from the cafe. Selling drugs to customers, SA, harassment, Baejin, etc.

Felix became at peace with them. They bought him an apartment, gave him a car, and a job. The bakery became one of his favorite places. Jeongin and Minho were always there and he got to eat and make desserts.

He wanted to repay them. He tried applying for jobs, but Chan was still working on fighting the cafe in court so it wasn't safe for him to get a new job. It was stressful but nice.


"Felixie!" Jeongin shouted from the kitchen, "Help the customers at the front, please!"

"Got it, Innie!" He replied, speed walking to the front desk. It was a simple order, a dozen cupcakes with chocolate chips and bright blue frosting.

Felix was incredibly charismatic with customers. He probably picked that up from the cafe, but it definitely worked. There had been multiple people who became regulars, just for a donut or two in the morning. Jeongin was living the company. Before, it was boring with maybe a few customers, but now it was great.

"Thank you! Come again soon." He told, smiling as the man waved goodbye and left.

"Alright, let's close up and-" Minho was interrupted by Chan who came inside the bakery with a huge grin, "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"I finally got the case to court." He announced, his eyes staring into Felix's. The blonde boy froze, as his stunning eyes became glossy. Felix bit his lip, looking right back at the older.

"Are you serious...?" He whispered. Chan nodded. Felix inhaled sharply, running to Chan and jumping into his arms. Smiling, he hugged back, seeing the other two's look.

"This is amazing! Let me call the others to get them-"

"We're here already," Jisung said, pulling Felix away from Chan and holding him for himself. Felix laughed into between tears as the others joined the hug. After a long while, they all sat down, Jeongin and Seungmin closing up and doing dishes.

"Finally! That bastard can get his ass beat." Hyunjin shouted, throwing his hands up in relief.

Changbin agreed, "Seriously. He had karma coming for awhile."

"How much are we suing for?" Jisung asked.

"It's not suing. It's an investigation. Felix can sue him later, but his business needs to be shut down first." Chan explained, leaning back in his chair. His eyes were soft as he looked at him.

"Thank you so much," Felix said abruptly. Another tear slid down his glassy skin, "Everyone, thank you."

Changbin smirked, "It's nothing, Blondie. Trust me."

"It might be nothing to you, but it's everything to me. Therefore, thank you for everything. I'm forever in debt to you all." He said, bowing his head down and staying like that. Minho pat Felix's fluffy hair.

"It's okay. I don't want anything from you." The purplette told him, a reassuring look on his handsome face.

Jisung nodding, clicking his tongue, "Same here."

"Felix, you're safe. That's all the repaying we need." Chan said.

Sitting up, the blonde looking away from them with a red painted on his cheeks. He bit the inside of his cheek, looking to the side.

"Thank you..."

Two arms wrapped around his body as Seungmin hugging him from behind his chair, "Thank you for everything you've done for us. You've been a huge help at the bakery. Even though I'm only here on Mondays, Thursdays, and the weekends, I know that you're doing a lot for us."

"Yeah, you've done more than enough," Jeongin replied, sitting next to Felix.

"Let's go celebrate!" Hyunjin called out, ushering everyone out the door. The mood was light and happy. Everyone was celebrating the court case. Felix was going to testify against Baejin, along with Hyunjin and then some other workers from the cafe.

This was good for everyone.


Everyone that's wasn't Mo Baejin, at least.

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now