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I nervously glance over at ashton to see her sitting in a man spread with her head throw back on the chair and her eyes closed, we've been in the same music class for years and she mostly plays electric and classic.

"for years now, I've been teaching you how to make, read and analyse music and now it's time to make your own, as it is your last year with me" Mrs Gonzales says with a smile looking around the hand full class of students.

Mrs Gonzales is by far the best teacher, she is everyone's favorite even if she might not teach you. she's in her early thirties but still looks to be at least 19, she's a beautiful woman for sure.

and the sweetest.

"I'm giving you an assignment to make me a song, I want to hear all I have taught you through the years. your song can be any genre and you can work solo or partners of two." she says.

"now.. I have nothing else to teach you guys for the rest of the year, you're so close to graduation, every time you have my classes this is what you'll be working on. you guys can go to the study rooms, library, field, whatever you desire" she says making people immediately scattered around to leave or find a partner.

"ashton" Mrs Gonzales calls her making her lift her head, "why don't you work with billie over there? she has a beautiful voice, I think you two could make something really great" she says pointing over at me.

I put my head down as I blush, "sure" ashton says getting off her seat and pack her things, I look up to see Mrs Gonzales smiling at me, she sends me a wink making me smile.

"do you want to get out of here?" ash asks standing by my desk, I nod packing up my things before she leads us out to the bleachers outside and take a seat.

"so.. how do you want to do this? do you write?" she asks giving me her attention, I nod opening my phone to show her a few of my lyrics.

"these are really good, i write too but nowhere near this" she chuckles handing my phone back, "we have a long ass time to work on this, how about I get to know you for today" she says putting her bag between her feet.

"okay, I'd like that" I nod crossing my legs when the wind tries to blow up my skirt, for the next forty minutes we sat there talking about ourselves before the bell rings for lunch.

"c'mon" she says giving me her hand to help me down, she drops my hand as we walk into the building again, "I will see you around yeah?" she says opening her phone.

"give me your number though" I put in number and save it before handing it back, "I'll see you around billie" she says with a smile and wink while walking the opposite direction.

I bite my lip as I turn around and cover my face with my hair, I just want to scream right now.

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