twenty two

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prom night come around rather slow but here we are, I've been impatient on seeing billie in her dress and that same night, our parents met before we were off.

"you look so fucking pretty" I whisper out to billie as we sit besides each other, we were dancing until she said her feet are sore and she needs a break.

"thank you" she scrunches up her nose at me making me smile, she really is the prettiest tonight.

the song switches to slower song making me sit up, "come on, I wanna dance with you to this" she whines making me roll my eyes, I go down to take off her heels and put my shoes on her leaving me with socks on.

"you're desperate" she laughs taking my hand either way, I shrug with a slight smile as I lead her to the floor, I know she might be teasing right now but she will love the surprise I have for her.

i wrap my arms around her waist as hers go around my shoulder and our foreheads are touching, we softly sway side to side while holding each other closely.

"I want you to listen closely to the next song" I whisper in her ear making her look at me skeptical but nods nonetheless.

by Evann McIntosh

as soon as the song starts I let go of her to wrap my arms around her from behind, we sway along to the song as I sing the lyrics to her in a whisper.

i wrote this song for her soon after we started talking and it's been a work in process till a week ago, i thought she would love and appreciate this gesture than me getting her something materialistic.

the dj starts speaking just as the song ends, "that's a song by ashton for her special lady tonight, what a lucky girl to have that song" billie is quick to turn to me with her jaw jarred.

"you wrote this?" she asks with wide eyes making me laugh and give her a nod, "for me?"

"I wrote this for you and about you" I tell her making her eyes tear up, I wrap my arms around her letting her hug me, "I wrote it when we first started talking and I just finished it" I tell her making her squeeze her arms around me.

they play the song once again and billie stays glued on me for the whole song, "do you want me to have your child or something?" she jokes sipping her eyes when we pull away.

"yes eventually but for now say you'll be my girlfriend" I take her hand in mine.

"of course, I'll be your girlfriend" she laughs shaking her head before cupping my face to kiss me, I close my eyes letting myself melt into the kiss while pulling her as close as possible.

"I knew it" a voice sings closely next to us making us pull away to see Mrs.Gonzalez with a big grin and she claps excitedly, we both let put little laughs as billie goes to hug her and whisper in her ear making her nod.

"enjoy the rest of your night girls" she waves us off.

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