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"hey" a voice whispers in my ear making me jump a bit while turning to face ash, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" she laughs bringing me in for a hug.

"you're an ass for that" I say faking a mad face but lean into her for a hug regardless, I close my eyes laying on her shoulder as she rubs my back softly before I feel her hand drift down.

I let out a laugh catching her hand before she gets to my ass making her kiss her teeth, "nice try" I say pulling back and pat her cheek, she smiles innocently and throw her arm around my shoulders.

"let me walk you to lunch" she says walking us through the hallways, I smile wrapping an arm around her waist as we walk through the lunch room doors.

"so I was thinking.. maybe you could come over this weekend? bring some friends, I have two of my cousins coming over and my parents are leaving for a business thing with my little sister" she says with a grin as I direct the way to where I would usually meet my friends.

"and you can sleep over maybe?" I glance up to see her with a small teasing smile and bounces her eyebrows, I laugh pushing her away from me.

"shut up"

"I'm serious. come home with me Friday and it will be just us before everyone else joins us Saturday" she says stopping and pulls me towards her.

"fine, are you going to stop trying to touch my ass?" I ask squinting my eyes at her, she smiles shaking her head.

"never" she says with a grin making me smile while rolling my eyes. for the past few days she's discovered after accidentally touching my ass that she found it nice.

her words, not mine.

whatever that means.

"I would love to come" I shrug telling her with a serious voice, she smiles and nods as we get to my table, she greets my friends before pointing at her cheek making me roll my eyes.

I go to kiss her cheek but then she turned her head making me laugh at the fact that she turned too early, "stop" I laugh holding her face to give her cheek a fat kiss.

"just a little kiss" she says showing with her fingers and points at her lips making me roll my eyes while pushing her back.

"go away" I laugh making her shoulders slump but she waves as she walks away, I shake my head turning back on my chair.

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