twenty one

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"I want to take you somewhere" ash tells me as her hand grips my thigh under the table.

"where would you like to take me?" I smile putting my hand over hers and trace the hand tattoos with my thumb.

"just a picnic at a spot" she shrugs putting her hand under my chin to pull me into a kiss, I smile slightly kissing her back and cup her face as her hand wraps around my neck.

i hear someone clear their throat making us pull away, I refuse to look up as I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, "not too much now girls" Mrs Gonzalez says making me blush even harder.

ash laughs lowly and just then the bell rings making us get up, nobody even bothers to come to class anymore.

with quick goodbyes to Mrs Gonzalez, ash takes my hand to walk me to class, "im skipping the next period, I am gonna go prepare for our first date but I'll come get you at 4, yeah?"

i nod getting on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around her neck, "I'll see you later" she says giving me a gentle squeeze before kissing my neck.

"what is this place?" I ask ash while looking around as we walk hand in hand.

"this is my spot or whatever you want to call it, it's really cool and so much better at night" she shrugs, after school we went to her house for a nap before she took me out to dinner and now this is our next destination.

"this is so pretty" I mutter looking over the cliff and the many lights glistening in a distance.

ash hums sitting on a nearby rock while I look around and look back at her, "come here" she pulls me onto her lap.

"you're so pretty, you know that?" she asks lowly making me laugh nervously, she chuckles at that and pulls me into kiss, "there's a reason i brought you here"

"and what would that reason be?"

"I wanna ask you to be my girlfriend but first I need to know what's going to happen since we're graduating in a few weeks and what if you're planning to move while I stay here" she lets out a sigh at the end of her sentence.

"I mean.. i am waiting on my letter from Jillian then I'll know what I'm doing but I think one way or another I want to get out of la for a bit" I tell her as I put my hand in her hair.

"I hope you get accepted, Jillian is a great school" she mutters snuggling into my neck.

"I hope so too, what are you doing after graduation?"

"I don't know, I thought I would know by now and it's only a matter of time before I have to get my shit together" she presses small kisses on my neck as she talks.

i hum while wrapping my arms around her, "you don't need to have it figured out, take some time looking around after graduation, go to some opening in universities to have a look around and do what you thing is best for you" I tell her.

she lifts her head to look at me with a smile, "you're amazing, you know that?" she asks making me smile, she pecks my lips before laying her head back on my shoulder.

"can I come with you? just to get look around New York and schools there for a bit, that way we also have more time to be together" I could fell here grin on my shoulder.

"I don't hate the idea and that way I'm not traveling alone" I shrug, she hums giving my shoulder a small kiss and start rubbing my thigh innocently.

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