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"are you guys going to prom?" drew asks pointing at me and ash besides each other.

"I mean.. I would like to go" I say hinting to ash, i look at her seeing her smiling with the corner of her mouth, "what about you?" I ask nudging her.

"I'm not sure yet, I will know soon" she shrugs throwing her arm over my shoulders to pull me closer, I smile leaning on her shoulder.

"you're both so cute" maelyn says taking a picture quickly and airdrops it to all of us.

"okay, we're playing a game of dare or drink" Erin says walking in with a disgusting looking drink, it looks black with oil floating on the top, "do the dare or take a shot of this delicious mixture" she laughs putting it between us.

"what the fuck is that?" I ask looking at it.

"it is vinegar, cooking oil, pepper, I believe I put Coca Cola in there and some mayo" she lists, the more she goes on, the worst it gets.

"you just want to kill us" I say leaning over to take a sniff at it and gag, "yeah no, we're all doing the dares or else, it's either you die from that or go puke your guys out" I say putting it down.

"exactly" Erin grins sitting down, we turn down the volume and all sit around, we pour one shot for everyone before we start with Erin to maelyn, "confess who in this room, you would like to sleep with the most"

"well shit" I mutter watching her look at the shot and at us, "nobody but if I had to say, I will say drew" she shrugs sitting back, I watch as drew blushes and fan herself jokingly.

maelyn to drew, "name at least three pornstars or drink" drew' eyes widen as she lets out a loud laugh, "I really would if I knew any" she says lifting the glass to take a shot, I gag as she swallows it and put a sweet in her mouth afterwards.

"billie" I hum nervously, "show ash a picture or video from your private folder or drink" she says making me laugh and ash high-fives drew.

"geez okay, let me see" I say pulling out my phone, I hide my phone as I open the folder and scroll through it to find a picture, "let her choose" drew says making my eyes widen.

"no, that wasn't the dare" I laugh going to take a shot instead, "nope wait, you choose and show me" ash says putting the shot glass down.

I laugh choosing a picture of me sitting on my knees on my bed bra less and a small thong to show her, I hand it over watching her eyes widen as she zooms in on it and whistles.

"sheesh, can you send that to me?" she asks tucking her shirt off her body making me laugh, "I'll think about it" I say leaning against her, she puts her arm around me as the game continues.

"you're so beautiful billie" she says whispering in my ear, "and have such a beautiful body" she adds making me blush while turning my head to look at her.

she looks at me and glances down at my lip before putting her hand behind my neck and crash our lips together suddenly, immediately the room went quiet but I really didn't care.

I sit up to get on her lap and she happily takes me in while tilting her head to deepen the kiss, her hands move down to under my shirt once again making me sigh against her lips.

"hm shit" she mutters pulling away to stand up and she holds me up to take me to the kitchen and kiss me once again on the counter.

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