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I sigh softly flatting my mini skirt with my hand as I tilt my head looking at my outfit, it was cute just a bit inappropriate but I loved it and I just hope ash loves it too.

it's Saturday, I'm suppose to be at ash's house in a few minutes. she sent me a good morning text and her address this morning.

I just hope she's home alone today, I would be very inappropriate of me to meet her parents dressed like this. she said she is more than often home alone, I just hope today today is one of those days.

I put on my jewelry before putting on my boots and leg warmers, I send ash a text letting her know I'm on my way before grabbing my notebook of lyrics but before I can leave the house she calls me.


"hey, how are getting here?" she asks making my eyebrows furrow.

"it's a 10 minute walk" I tell her checking on google maps after I put her address in, "just a couple of blocks down my house" I add.

"how about I pick you up? I'm about to drop my little sister off at a friends house and we can get some food on our way back" she asks making me smile.

"yeah okay" I agree sending her my address, she thanks me before we hang up. I sit down on the kitchen chairs as I watch while taking some pictures before a text pops up telling she's outside.

I walk out and lock the door behind me since nobody is home and nervously make my way to her car, she opens the door from inside making me smile. "hey you" she greets as I get in.

"hi" I smile putting on my seatbelt and look back to see her little sister around the age of 4, "hi, what's your name?" I ask her as the car starts moving.

"laila, you're pretty" she says making me smile, "thank you, you're pretty too" I tell her glancing at ash, she give her a fist bump as I turn back around.

"you talked to my sister before me? damn" ashton says with a chuckle making me kiss my teeth.

"how are you?" I ask her giving her a big smile, she chuckles kissing her teeth and chooses to ignore me as she talks to her sister about behaving at her friends house.

"okay, I love you yeah?" she asks getting out to get her sister out of the car with her bag, "have a good time, mom will pick you up later" she says kissing her sister's cheek.

she gives a wave to the elder standing up the door as her sister reaches the house, she gets in the car and speed off. she glances at me then down at my outfit than back at the road.

"what do you want to eat?"

"anything vegan" I shrug making her nod and pull out her phone probably to do research before she drives us rings up a restaurant to order for pickup.

she goes through everything making sure it's okay with me before she hangs up, "is your mom home?" I ask her making her shake her head.

"no, I'm home alone, why?"

"just asking" I shrug making her look at me suspiciously but I turn her head back to the road and soon she was pulling into the restaurant, "I will be quick, give me two seconds" she says getting her wallet.

I watch as she locks the car and pull up her pants slightly before quickly walking in the restaurant, I bite my lip while texting drew and Zoe updates before I hear the car unlock.

"do you maybe want to do the next part later or some other time? we've gotten through half of the song already" ash asks as she removes her head phones.

"sure, I don't mind honestly" I shrug, she nods collecting everything and put it back in her place, "your room is really cool" I say looking around, she has a basement room.

it's a big open space, she has a corner with her drums and guitars hanging on the wall, two couches and a small table in the middle of the room and than her bed.

"thank you, it just sucks having to go up to use the bathroom but I'm making that room into a bathroom soon" she says pointing at the closed door.

"what was in there before?" I ask standing up to look around.

"laundry room, I finally convinced my mom to move it to my old room" she smiles turning on some music, I nod sitting back on the bed and fold my legs on top of it.

comfy ass bed, I'd never leave this bed.

"do you smoke?" I shake my head at her question, "you don't mind if I smoke do you?"

"no" I answer her reaching for my phone, I sit back against her pillows as she rolls up her weed and light it up. I watch as she removes her shirt making my eyes widen and look away.

i knew she had tattoos but there's a lot more than i imagined.

she chuckles and puts on another clean shirt before coming to the bed, I watch her smoke her blunt before looking over at me with a smile making me blush.

she moves closer to me and touch my leg, "open your legs for me" my eyes nearly popped out of my skull at how they widened at her, "you don't have to, I just want to lay down" she chuckles.

I open my legs letting her lay in between my legs as she smokes her blunt, my face feels so hot, I can only imagine how red it is. I try to ignore her hand as she brings my legs over her shoulders and rub my thigh.

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