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I smile to myself seeing ash falling asleep on my chest and I let her, she did say she usually spends her weekends in doors and asleep most of the time but we were all up before 10am, so she had to be up too.

she provided breakfast and we all ate before we took turns getting ready and now she's falling asleep again on my chest. it's so cute, she's so cute.

a part of me want her to be up and talk to me and kiss me but a part of me wants to keep her snuggled up next to me forever.

she shifts muttering something in her sleep while putting her face in my neck, "what was that baby?" I ask pulling back a bit before that only made her come closer.

"I asked if you were comfortable" she says snuggling in my neck, I smile leaning putting my head on hers, "I am very comfortable, go to sleep" I says making her smile before she passes out again.

drew and zoe walk in with their bags and ready to go, "aw so cute" drew pouts, "we need to go now but tell her we had fun and you call us tonight to tell us all about this" Zoe says pointing between me and the sleeping girl on my chest.

"I will, bye. I love you guys" I say blowing them kisses as they walk out, maelyn and Erin walk them out leaving just us in the empty house, I take this time to send the picture from last night to ash as a gift.

"but this feels right so stay a sec" I whisper sing with my lips pressed on ash's eyebrow, "yeah you feel right so stay a sec" I sing running my hand through her hair.

I hear her breath pattern change, letting me know she's awake but I keep my lips dressed against her head while I type the lyrics on my phone.

"you slept good?" I ask eventually and pull back to look at her, she nods with a smile and her eyes still closed. "I did, thank you" she says opening them.

"no need to thank me" I say leaning down to kiss her cheek, she blindly puts her hand on my cheek and uses her thumb to rub it softly before she gets up and stretch.

"fuck that was a good nap" she says with a yawn, I giggle getting up to shake my dead arm, "I need to pee" I announce getting up and run off as she laughs.

I shut the door and do my business before I wash my hands and join her in the living room, "where are the others?" she asks reaching for her phone.

"drew and zoe left when you were asleep and erin and mae said they have some errands to run but they will be back with food" I shrug climbing over her lap to straddle her.

"mm okay" she mutters with her hands rubbing my thighs, I bite my lip while wrapping my arms around her neck as her hands move higher to my hips.

"you look so pretty" she mutters making me look at her, only to see her looking at the picture I sent. I laugh as she puts it as her Home Screen before she switches off her phone and throws it aside.

"you should go dress shopping for prom" she says randomly with her hands going over my ass and use it to pull me closer to her body.

"I should? I'm not even sure I'm going through" I say pulling back to look at her so we're eye to eye.

"I still think you should" she shrugs with a teasing smile.

"I will" I nod with a smile, she cups my face to kiss me softly making me sigh against her lips, "what do you think I should dress in? a big dress or something sexy" I ask with our lips brushing against each other's.

"I think you would look fucking amazing in anything" she mutters kissing me yet again and her hand goes up my back to hold my neck and kiss me hard making me whimper.

her hands stay glued to my ass, gripping, rubbing and fumbling with it causing me to moan in her mouth, "can I?" she asks with her hands at the bottom of my skirt.

"please do" she smiles letting her hands push my skirt up and palm my ass and squeeze it even harder in the tiny nude thong I am wearing.

"fuck, you're sexy" she mutters glancing down at my exposed thong and back up at me, "shut up and kiss me" I say pulling her back and she does exactly that before erin and mae budge through the front door making her groan.

she throws a blanket over my lower half yet keeps me in her lap with her hands under my skirt, "you guys are the bestest of friends, i see" mae teases making me laugh as I use my thumb to wipe the corner of ash's mouth.

her finger tips run over my underwear as she turns her head to look for the food they brought, "come on, I'm hungry" she whines asking for food.

"please, you were just eating billie's face just now" erin rolls her eyes giving her food.

"yeah well, I was about to eat something else but you're here" she says patting my crotch unexpectedly making my hips budge into her hands and she chuckles noticing this.

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