○ Prologue ○

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"Hey, uh, Papa?" A little girl, she must be in her childhood, started as she sat on her bed, her surrogate father/grandfather at the end of it. It had been years since the accident. Six, to be exact. Her surrogate father, Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, hummed, looking at her through his dark eyelashes. "What... What was Rooster like?"

Pete paused, mulling over his words, contemplating which ones would be right for his six-year-old daughter. "Well, he was much like you. Stubborn as all hell." The young girl giggled. "Then again, I think that's my fault. You both got it from me. But, he was a good man, just like your Grandpa Goose."

"I've heard about him," the six-year-old nodded. "Was... Was a good RIO?"

"An amazing RIO," Pete nodded, sighing sadly as memories flashed through his head at the mention of his old friend and first RIO, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw. "If you ever do become a pilot or a RIO, promise me one thing, Autumn. No matter what, you don't eject until that canopy is clear. No matter what anyone tells you, make sure the canopy is clear. Got it?"

"Got it, Papa!" She grinned, unaware of the fate that would bestall those who didn't wait, those who rushed even if the canopy wasn't clear.

Smiling, Pete leaned back in his seat and ruffled Autumn's dirty blonde hair. "That's my little girl. Now, Mama's got breakfast ready so how about we head down, hm?"

Years passed by and soon Pete was stood with other people's family members as their kids graduated from Virginia University. Oh, Bradley. I wish you could see your little girl up here, graduating from university. I'll make sure to tell her you're proud of her, kid. I promise. When Autumn turned around, grinning at who she considered to be her father, he couldn't help the tear that shed as he was, like so many times before, reminded of his best friend and nephew. They're proud, I know they are, Autumn.

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