After Party

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Kara and Siobhan walked into the only Irish bar in Metropolis.
"Welcome to my second home" Siobhan joked with her arms outstretched. They walked over to the counter the bartender recognising Siobhan as she got closer.
"Same as usual Siobhan?" the bartender asked. Siobhan nodded as the bartender poured her drink. The bartender put the drink of beer on the side passing it to Siobhan l. "Anything for your friend?" the bartender asked pointing at Kara.
"She'll have the same as me" Siobhan stated smiling at Kara. The bartender poured a second drink passing it to Kara, before moving on to serve other customers.
"So I'm guessing your here a lot" Kara joked, picking up her drink. The two women moved over to a table placing their drinks on the mats the bar provided. Siobhan looked at Kara with false shock.
"I'm not here that often" Siobhan laughed. Kara looked at her drink, causing Siobhan to look at her suspiciously. "Have you ever had a 'drink' before?" Siobhan asked.
"Well no" Kara stated innocently. Siobhan looked at Kara in surprise. "What drinking isn't that big over here" Kara defended.
"Yes because in Ireland it's a right of passage" Siobhan stated sarcastically.
"You know what I mean, like I'm not really into going out like that" Kara explained.
"Well tonight that going to change, because we are going on a night out" Siobhan declared. "So down that pint and call your friends because we are going to have the best night" Siobhan stated with a smile. Siobhan drank the whole of her pint before encouraging Kara to do the same. Kara drank the entire drink without flinching. Siobhan then grabbed Kara's hand dragging her out of the bar. Kara made a few calls before heading the Siobhan's apartment. Siobhan got dressed into something more in line for going out in. As Siobhan came out from her room to show off her dress, Kara looked at what Siobhan was wearing noticing the metal bracelet on her wrist.
"Your still wearing your bracelet?" Kara questioned confused at why her friend will keep her bracelet on. "I thought it was a lucky bracelet, what do you need luck for in a bar?" Kara asked. Siobhan looked at the bracelet.
"Truth is my dad got it for me and I've never really taken it off since he left when I was young" Siobhan explained. Kara smiled at her friends explanation, reminiscing about her fond memories of her farther. Siobhan finished getting ready before heading over to Kara's so she could get changed. Kara came through the front door, Iris looking at her in surprise until she saw Siobhan follow her in.
"Where are you two going?" Iris asked curiously.
"We're going out, want to join?" Siobhan replied quickly. Iris smiled.
"I'm in. Do you want to invite Barry and Megan as well?" Iris asked Kara. Kara smiled and nodded. "Cool I'll send them a text" Iris stated before heading off to get ready herself. The girl left the apartment shortly after heading towards a bar in Metropolis. As they arrived Barry and Megan were already there, waiting for their friends to arrive. Barry brought the first rounds placing them on the table in front of everyone one. The friends started chatting between them as the drank their drinks. After a few hours of drinking Siobhan signalled Kara to come with her to the bar. They walked over to the bar getting ready to order another round.
"Your friend Barry, he's cute" Siobhan stated as the bartender poured the drinks in front of the women. Kara looked at Siobhan in shock.
"What Barry? You like him?" Kara asked stumbling over her words as they slipped out of her mouth. Siobhan looked at Kara with a smile.
"You like him" Siobhan teased as she picked up the drinks.
"No. No, it's Barry we're just friends" Kara reassured Siobhan.
"So you you won't mind if I take a shot at him then" Siobhan questioned.
"What, errr sure go for it, I don't mind" Kara stated not being very convincing.
"Kara you clearly like why don't you just ask him out?" Siobhan questioned. Kara gave up hiding the fact that she liked Barry before answering Siobhan's question.
"It's complicated" Kara explained.
"In what way is it complicated? Look Kara I'm going to tell you what my dad told me when I was younger. Enjoy yourself now, because you only have a limited number of hours on this planet" Siobhan stated with a sympathetic look towards Kara.
"It's a bit morbid but I get your point" Kara replied.
"Come on, we be gone a while the other probably wondering what we are doing" Siobhan joked before turning to head towards the table. Kara took a second before following her. As Siobhan got to the table she dropped one of the glasses. On instinct Barry sped his hand down to catch the falling drink. "How did you do that?" Siobhan asked confused and shocked on how Barry caught the glass.
"Err what do you mean?" Barry asked nervously, realising he had just messed up.
"You just moved your hand and caught the glass before it hit the ground, and there is no way you should have been able to do that" Siobhan explained.
"Err I think you might of had a few to many tonight Siobhan, maybe it's best if you call it a night" Kara stated trying to save Barry from being found out.
"Maybe your right" Siobhan stated scratching her head. Siobhan gathered her thing before saying goodbye to everyone and heading back to her place.
"That was a close one Barry do you think you might need to call it a night as well?" Kara questioned.
"Oh me, no I'm not drunk. It was just a reflex reaction" Barry explained.
"How are you not drunk you have had loads" Iris asked curiously.
"Well I've been doing some studies on myself, to see what has changed about me since the lightning. Well I worked out that one of the downfalls of my powers is that my body can now break down the alcohol quicker then I can get drunk" Barry explained.
"That's so cool" Kara stated. Iris just looked at Barry and Kara.
"You two are such nerds" Iris stated with a laugh. Barry and Kara both sighed at Iris's comment.
"Don't watery I have a similar problem, because of my Kryptonian dna the alcohol here on Earth isn't able to actually get me drunk" Kara explained.
"I might know a place" Megan stated having been silently listening to the conversation. The group looked at Megan confused. "There is this alien bar not far from her that serves a wide variety of beverages from around the galaxy" Megan explained.
"Can you take us there?" Kara asked with glee in her eyes. Megan nodded in confirmation.
"Alien spirits seems like a bad idea for my normal human body" Iris joked. "I think I'll let you guys have fun there while I go and work on my next piece, 'an Apex fight' " Iris declared. Kara look at Barry instantly.
"What? Branding is important" Barry joked. Barry, Megan and Kara left the bar and headed to the alien bar Megan was talking about. The three of them walked down an ally, Megan knocking on door as they reached the entrance. The door unlocked revealing a big bouncer. Upon opening the door the bouncer immediately recognised Megan. He let the group in with a nod, Megan leading down the staircase and into the main area of the bar. Kara and Barry made their way to a booth, while Meg'ann went to the bar. The bar was filled with aliens from multiple different planets.
"This is so cool" Barry stated looking around the bar. "Like I remember stargazing with my dad when I was younger, wondering if there was any life other then Earth's, and now I'm in a bar full of aliens. I wish my dad could have seen this" Barry stated with a smile. Meg'ann returned not long after with a few shots on a trey. She was also in her Martian form.
"This is okaaranian ale, the Okaarans of Okaara are the second oldest race in the Vega star system. The Warlords of Okaara studied and perfected all forms of combat in order to protect the once peaceful Okaarans from the Psions. They drank this to calm nerves before a big battle" Meg'ann explained.
"Cool" Barry and Kara replied in unison. All three of them took a shot, feeling the effects immediately.
"Wow, I've missed that feeling" Barry stated with a laugh.
"Now let's drink like aliens" Meg'ann declared raising her second shot in the air. Barry and Kara cheered in agreement before carding on drinking the alien drinks.

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