The Silver Banshee

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Belfast, Ireland

Garrett Smyth stood outside The bank of Belfast. He put on is black skull mask and walked into the bank. He walked up to the teller and slid a piece of paper over the counter. The teller picked up the price of paper and read it out loud and confused.
"This is a robbery?" She questioned. Garrett looked at her his eyes peering out behind his mask. He opened his mouth, a blast of sound hit the teller knocking her back into the wall that stood behind her. Security started to run over to him, but Garrett took them out the same way. He hopped over the counter and walked towards the vault. He opened his mouth again, the blast of sound destroying the vault door. He pulled a bag out of his coat pocket and started depositing the money into the bag. Once his bag was full he started to make his way out of the bank. Officers were waiting for him outside. Garrett looked at the police with a smile. He shot a blast of sound at one of the police cars, flattening it. He shot another blast at one of the officers knocking him into the windscreen of the other police car. Garrett walked away with a smile on his face.


Garrett rushed into the hospital, the rain dripping of his black trench coat. He swung the door open to see a mother holding her new born baby in her arms. He walked over slowly to the hospital bed. He stood over the mother wrapping his arm around her.
"Would you like to hold her?" the mother questioned. Garrett nodded. "Time to meet your dad Siobhan" the mother said as she passed the baby girl to Garrett. As Garrett looked over his daughter, a smile forming on his face.


Garrett and Siobhan were strolling thought the park. Siobhan pointed over to the climbing frame to which Garrett decided to let her play on it. Siobhan made her way up the climbing frame allowing Garrett a chance to sit on a bench and relax. He kept his eye on Siobhan as she enjoyed herself on the climbing frame. All of a sudden she fell. She screamed as she fell Garrett rushing over as fast as he could to help his daughter. Her screams were loud, blasting out of her mouth pushing against the top of the climbing frame. As Garrett got over Siobhan had already hit the ground knocking herself unconscious. Garrett picked her up on his arms. He turned to carry her back to the car when he looked at where Siobhan had fell from. The metal bars had snapped the screws the held the frame into the ground had stared to rise from the dirt. Garrett looked at Siobhan with concern as he rushed away.


"She's old enough now to use this power" Garrett stated behind the closed door of the bedroom.
"She a young girl, she deserves to live a normal life" his wife argued back.
"I think you forget who's in charge here" Garrett declared menacingly. Silence came from the bedroom after that comment. Later that night Siobhan was woken up by her mother telling her to be quite. She ushered her out of bed wrapping her in a coat and rushing the both of them out the house. Garrett woke the next morning to find his wife and daughter missing. He stood in the middle of his daughter's room, anger filling his body and rage entering his eyes. He screamed out in rage sending a sonic blast into wall destroying the partition between his daughter's room and his.


Garrett stood at a distance as he watched his daughter enter her school, her face filled with happiness and freedom. He found her a few weeks ago but held of approaching her. He wanted as her mother dropped her off in her car. She drove home not knowing Garrett was following her. She entered the house as Garrett stood behind her. She turned in shock see her husband staring daggers at her. She tried to run for her phone but Garrett used his power to destroy the phone.
"I've gotten a lot better since you last saw me use my power" Garrett bragged. He closed the distance between the grabbing her by her face.
"She will never be your's" his wife exclaimed fear in her voice. Garrett didn't care as he pressed his mouth against his wife's. As Garrett kept his lips locked with his wife, she heard humming coming from her ears. Her eyes widened as she realised what was happening. She tried to struggle free but it was no use. Blood started to leak from her ears as her eyes became bloodshot. Her body went limp as the life left her body. Garrett let her go, her body dropping to the floor, lifeless. Garrett looked around at the many pictures of his daughter's new life. She seemed so happy with the new life. Garrett placed a small present on her bed as he left her home. When Siobhan got home police cars were parked outside. She got closer confused. As she got to the sectioned off area, she crouched under the police tape running towards the door. A officer grabbed her before she got inside the house. Once the officer got her to calm down her explained what had happened. Her mentioned there was a present left her on her bed. He passed her the present and went back to securing the area. Siobhan opened the present to reveal a black box. She opens the box to see a steel band resting inside. She slid it onto her wrist letting it solidify itself onto her arm. Siobhan picked up the note attached to the box. 'Only take this off when your ready to see me - Dad' the note stated.

Current day

Siobhan woke from her slumber the midday sun hitting her face. A shadow looked over her, Siobhan noticing it instantly. She opened her eyes to see her father standing over her. His face was older and his hair greyer.
"Hello baby girl" Garrett stated with a smile. Siobhan crawled back against her bed in shock.
"Dad? What are you doing here?" Siobhan questioned.
"You took off the bracelet" Garrett stated pointing at the shattered bracelet pieces on the floor. "How have you been?" Garrett asked.
"I'm fine but I didn't mean to take off the bracelet, it just broke" Siobhan explained.
"That's fine, I think it's time we reconnected anyway" Garrett stated. Garrett moved into the bathroom looking around at the mess on the floor. He noticed sheds of silver hair lying in the ground. "I know you've been experiencing some changes" Garrett stated with a smile.
"How do you know that?" Siobhan questioned.
"Just because I haven't made contact with you doesn't mean I haven't been watching over you" Garrett explained. "Your powers are becoming more prominent I can reach you how to control them" Garrett explained with a smile.
"You can? How?" Siobhan asked.
"First you have to embrace the change" Garrett stated as he walked back into the room holding Siobhan's fallen silver locks.

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