The D.E.O

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Supergirl crouched over Flash's unconscious body. She heard footsteps marching over to her. She turned her head to see a woman in a blue and black amour standing over her.
"We can help him" the woman stated. Supergirl looked up at the woman, her hand extended towards Supergirl. Supergirl stood up on her own acord.
"How can you help him?" Supergirl asked.
"Follow the chopper back to our base and we'll get him seen to immediately" the woman explained. Supergirl nodded.
"What do I call you?" Supergirl asked.
"I'm the Sentinel" she replied.
"Ok and where are we going?" Supergirl's asked.
"To the D.E.O" Sential stated. Supergirl followed the chopper, with Flash in her arms, as they flew towards a large building in the centre of the city. Supergirl landed on the balcony as medics rushed to take Flash out of her hands. They moved him to a hospital bed as Supergirl followed behind them. The doctors went to remove Flash's mask before Supergirl grabbed the doctor's wrist.
"Remove his mask and i'll melt your face off!" Supergirl threatened. The doctor moved their hand away and put a breathing mask over Flash's face.
"There's no need to be hostile Supergirl" a familiar voice stated from behind Supergirl. Supergirl turned around to see Lucy Lane standing with an I pad in her hand.
"Lucy?" Supergirl questioned. Lucy motioned for Supergirl to follow her, Supergirl followed Lucy out of the medical area. They made their way to a secluded room in the DEO. Lucy shut the door behind them giving them privacy to speak. "Ok, what is this place Lucy?" Supergirl asked.
"This is the department of extra-normal operations, we monitor and protect from alien attacks and crimes" Lucy explained.
"Alien attacks? I thought that's what the league is for?" Supergirl pointed out.
"What you and your team of super powered vigilantes, if you guys didn't save the world you all would be in these cells. Do you know how many string I had to pull to be put in charge of this operation, so you would be safe" Lucy explained. Supergirl looked taken back as she realised Lucy was just looking out for her.
"So why did you step in today, Leslie isn't an alien" Supergirl explained.
"We were unsure if she was an alien, we have had to apprehend quite a few aliens that have the ability to control lighting. Once we have done our tests to confirm what you have said, we will transport her to Stryker Island" Lucy explained. "Also your friend will be looked after here" Lucy stated.
"Good, and nobody will remove his mask" Supergirl demanded. Lucy nodded in response. They left the isolated room walking back out to the main area of the DEO. Supergirl made her way back to the medical bay, where Flash laid unconscious. "What the update on his condition?" Supergirl asked trying to hide her concern.
"We have had to put him in a medically induced coma so his body can recover. His body should recover from this, however his mind will be the deciding factor to him waking up" the doctors told Supergirl. Supergirl took a seat next to the hospital bed Flash laid upon.


Days after the particle accelerator explosion

Barry laid in a hospital bed at Star labs, the lightning from the particle accelerator explosion hitting him days before. His unconscious body strapped to breathing tubes and heartbeat monitors. The room was quite with Silas Stone sleeping in his office down the corridor. Kara flew in with flowers in her hands. She placed them on a table next to the bed. She stood over Barry's comatose body, using her super hearing to listen to his heartbeat. She smiled as she heard it beat steadily.
"Your gonna make it through this Barry, I know your a fighter. I've been spending a lot a time with Iris and Joe, they love you a lot Barry. They talk about your enthusiasm, your passion and your drive. They miss your stupid jokes and your passion for science. They miss you Barry. I hate seeing them like this, so I'd really appreciate it if you could wake up, please" Kara stated.

June 2023

Supergirl sat listening to Flash's heartbeat as a hand was placed on her shoulder. Supergirl turned to see Sentinel standing behind her with a glass of water in her hand. She offered it to Supergirl, which Supergirl graciously excepted. Sentinel stood next to Supergirl as she waited over Flash.
"Thank you" Sentinel stated braking the silence between the two women. Supergirl looked at her confused. Sentinel noticed Supergirl's confusion and explained why she thanked her. "During the invasion, I was in metropolis. When it started me and my family were surrounded, after a while we thought we were going to die. Then the sun shone. I'm here today because of you and your super friends" Sentinel explained. Supergirl smiled as she acknowledged Sentinel's story with a nod.
"I know your transporting Leslie to Stryker island soon, if you need my help I'll be one call away" Supergirl stated. Sentinel smiled and nodded. Sentinel left the room heading back to her post. Supergirl returned her gaze back to Flash. "Hey Barry, it's been a while since we spoken like this. I feel like I've known you longer while unconscious then walking around in the real world. I really hope this one isn't 9 months, because I don't know if I can cope. The doctors say they are just waiting on your mind to wake you up, so please wake up, so wake up please. For me?" Supergirl begged as tears started to roll down her face. Leslie lay in a cell while an agent ran test on her.
"Not an alien, so your stay with us won't be too long" that agent declared as he moved on, sending his report back to his supervisor. Leslie moved around her cell shooting lighting to try and break out, but to no avail. She screamed in frustration as she banged her hands on the transparent door.

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