Team Up

20 1 0

Metropolis National Bank

Garrett, Siobhan and Leslie walked into the bank. Garrett used his super sonic voice to destroy the banks tellers's counter. The wood splashed everywhere from the blast. Guards started to pull out their guns but Leslie shot them with blasts of electricity. The guard dropped to the floor, their chests burnt from the impact. Garrett smiled as Siobhan nervously watched.
"Right, Miss Willis you wait here for your mortal enemy and me and my daughter loot the vault" Garrett stated. Leslie nodded turning to face the entrance of the bank. Garrett and Siobhan walked towards the vault. "Now my dear it's time to use your beautiful voice to our advantage" Garrett stated. Siobhan looked at her farther confused. "Use your voice to break down the door" Garrett explained. Siobhan took a step back before screaming at the vault door. The vault door crumbled under the pressure of the sound. Garrett smiled as he led the way into the vault. As Garrett started scooping the money into a bag Siobhan started to get nervous.
"Dad I'm not sure I want to do this" Siobhan stated. Garrett turned around to face his daughters.
"Your mum wasn't so keen on this either, that's why she took you away from me. I always loved her but that was something I couldn't forgive. This is something we were meant to do together, as a team. That's why we have these powers" Garrett explained.
"But this isn't how I want to live my life, I actually want to live somewhere without iron bars surrounding me" Siobhan stated. Garrett moved towards Siobhan his smile having turned into a frown.
"We're doing this whether you like it or not, I need this" Garrett stated.
"What you need, I thought you were here to help me?" Siobhan questioned. Garrett wrapped his hand around Siobhan's throat pinning her up against the broken vault door.
"You will listen to me, I'm in charge her, not you" Garrett shouted. Siobhan kicked Garrett's leg from under him causing Garrett to release his hold. "Just as fierce as your mother, shame I'm going to have to kill you as well" Garrett stated. Siobhan's eyes filled with rage. She shot her farther across the vault room with a sonic blast. Garrett landed crashing through a heap of money.
"You killed mom! I'm going to destroy you!" Siobhan shouted. Back in the main hall of the bank Leslie sat on a teller's chair as she waited for the girl of steel to arrive. Supergirl came flying through the front doors of the bank. She immediately locked eyes with Leslie.
"Robbing banks isn't really your style Leslie" Supergirl stated.
"Thought it was time to branch out and make some new connections, and it's Livewire now" Leslie retorted shooting a bolt of lightning at Supergirl. Supergirl dodged the attack before commenting on Leslie new name.
"Barry was right we shouldn't let them name themselves" Supergirl joked. She rushed in for an attack but was stopped mid air by Livewire's lighting. Livewire threw Supergirl using her lightning through the desk on the other side of the bank.
"You've had this coming for a long time Supergirl" Livewire shouted as she walked over to where Supergirl had crashed. Suddenly a plank of wood smashed her in her gut. Supergirl threw the plank of wood to aside before moving towards Livewire. Livewire tried shooting lighting at Supergirl, however Supergirl countered it with her freeze breath. The lightning shattering on the floor. Supergirl proceeded to push Livewire across the bank with a little shove.
"Stay down, it's over" Supergirl demanded. Livewire gradually got back to her feet.
"Never" Livewire replied as she raised her hands. The electricity from the building started to pulse towards Livewire. The energy pulsed through her her body becoming paler and her eyes turning black. She screamed as all the lights in the bank exploded, and lightning scattered from her body. The lightning dispersed out hitting anything in its way. Supergirl moved quickly moving the civilians out of the way of the blast. Unfortunately the last one hit her, sending her crashing into the far wall. Livewire dropped to the floor unconscious. Supergirl slowly got back to her feet the lighting leaving her suit charred where it hit. Back in the vault Garrett and Siobhan were in a screaming match, their voices crashing into each at an even parallel. After a while Siobhan voice started to hurt and Garrett started to gain the upper hand. Soon Siobhan dropped to her knees defeated. Garrett walked over to her grabbing her by the hair.
"You are such a disappointment" Garrett stated harshly. As he was about to finish Siobhan off Supergirl came crashing in pinning Garrett to the wall. "Bloody heroes" Garrett stated before using his voice to send Supergirl crashing through the wall she came through. "This would have all been over and done with July now if I wasn't working with such amateurs" Garrett moaned. Supergirl tired to get back up but Garrett would keep using his super sonic voice to push her down into the floor. Supergirl put her hands to her ears to stop the ringing. When she pulled them away she noticed blood on her hands. "Now girly I'm going to show the world why they shouldn't mess with the Black Banshee" Garrett declared. As he was to unleash his voice, Siobhan struck Garrett with a chair to his back. This gave Supergirl the time she needed to hit Garrett with a punch to the jaw. Garrett fell to the floor unconscious, Supergirl and Siobhan standing over him triumphant.
"Thanks for the help" Supergirl stated to Siobhan. Siobhan smiled as replied with a nod. Supergirl started on feel groggy after all the damage she had taken. She slowly fell to the ground as police sirens could be heard closing in on the bank. The last thing Supergirl saw as she faded from consciousness was a streak of red lightning.

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