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Central city 2021

Lightning struck all over the sky as rain poured down. Water dripped down into the abandoned house as Leslie Willis was held hostage. Supergirl stood across from the abductor her eyes glowing red in a attempt to scare the abductor. Before either person could move the sky turned red as a shockwave tore through the sky. Energy passed through the building knocking the abductor backwards. Leslie started to fall with the man, trying to break her fall pushing the man away from her. The push didn't stop her fall, her head hitting the ground with a thud knocking Leslie unconscious.

10 months later

Central city Hospital

Leslie Willis laid in her hospital bed the monitor beeping steadily as her unconscious body breathed through the tubes attached to her body. Suddenly her eyes shot open as the heartbeat monitor increased rapidly. Doctors rushed into the room as Leslie pulled out the tubes attached to her throat. The doctors surrounded Leslie trying to calm her.
"Where am I?" Leslie questioned, her head darting around the room trying to grasp her bearings. The doctors reassured her she was in the hospital as she was in a accident. Leslie still in shock caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of a mirror in the room. Gone was her bright blonde hair and tanned skin. Her hair was now bright white, with her skin being pale and frail. "What happened to me?" Leslie asked to panicked doctors.

December 2022

Streets of Metropolis

Leslie wondered down the street as the rain poured in the dead of night. Her hoodie covered her face, trying to be unrecognisable to the general public. She heard screams coming from around the corner. She turned the corner to see a mugger trying to steal a women's purse. He had a gun in his hand pointing at the woman. Leslie got closer coming into the eyesight of the mugger. He moved the guns aim towards Leslie warning her not to move. Her eyes lit up with shot of blue lightning before launching her hands forward, shooting the lightning out of her hands. The lightning bolts hit the mugger in the chest, burning his disguise where the attack hit. The woman pulled her bag away and started to run. Leslie walked over to the mugger who was now laying on the floor.
"Please" he begged.
"You tried to wrong that woman, you don't deserve to live" Leslie declared before shooting another bolt of lightning into the man's chest. Leslie turned around walking away from the man she just killed. As she started to go further down the street a news report appeared on a tv in a shop window. The footage showed the Justice League saving the world from the white Martian invasion. Leslie focused on the footage, one member in particular, Supergirl. She clenched her fist as her eyes filled with blue lightning, causing the tv to explode in sparks.

Current day

Kara walked down the street still trying to come to terms about what happened last night. She went to a local cafe texting Lois to see if she had time to talk. Lois responded not long after the text with a thumbs up. Kara walked over to Lois's apartment knocking on the door as she arrived. Lois answered the door with Johnathan in her arms, fast asleep. They moved over to the sofa with Lois setting down Johnathan in his crib.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Lois asked as she got comfy on the sofa.
"It's about Barry" Kara stated nervously.
"Oh you finally asked him out?" Lois asked curiously.
"What? No err, not that. Something else" Kara tried to explain. Lois looked at Kara confused. "I kinda slept with him instead" Kara stated.
"Well, when I was younger and out dating, we normally go on a few dates first, although the whole fastest man alive nickname makes more sense now" Lois joked. Kara just put her head in her hands. Lois pattered Kara on the back. "It's okay Kara, no relationship is perfect, they all have there ups and downs" Lois stated trying to comfort Kara.
"Me and Barry aren't in a relationship" Kara explained solemnly.
"Well maybe this could be the start of one" Lois suggested. Kara looked at Lois with hope in her eyes.
"Maybe" Kara replied. Suddenly Kara's ears twitched as the sounds of screams could be heard coming from the city. Kara focused in on the screaming, she started to her bolts of lightning hitting the ground and the sound of running footsteps. "People are in danger" Kara declared standing up and moving towards the door. She pulled open her shirt to reveal the Supergirl suit beneath her clothes. "Got to go, see you soon Lois" Kara stated with a smile, before zooming off towards the screams.
"Bye Kara" Lois stated knowing Kara could still hear her.

Metropolis City Centre

Leslie Willis stood in the city centre shooting bolts of lightning at objects around her. People ran screaming in terror as Supergirl arrived.
"Alright play time is over sparky" Supergirl stated causing Leslie to face her.
"Supergirl" Leslie stated with a scowl. "Do you remember me?" Leslie asked her voice full of hate. Supergirl looked at her confused. "The day the particle accelerator blew up, you put me in a coma!" Leslie shouted. Supergirl tried to think back to that night remembering the hostage situation she thought she had saved.
"I saved you that night" Supergirl replied.
"Does it look like you saved me!" Leslie shouted in anger before shooting a lighting bolt at Supergirl. The lighting hit Supergirl knocking her onto her back. Supergirl winced in pain and she started to get back up. As Supergirl started to get up she heard a gush of wind brush past her. She looked up to see the Flash stood above her offering out his hand.
"Thought you could use some help" Flash stated with a smile. Just before Supergirl could take his hand Flash was hit with a bolt of lightning to the back. Flash fell onto his front, instantly turning to face Leslie.he shot back to his feet and ran right at Leslie. Leslie reacted quickly shooting another lightning bolt right at Flash. The lightning sent Flash flying backwards, crashing into the ground with a thud. Supergirl rushed over to where Flash laid unconscious, her back turned to Leslie. Leslie was about to shoot another bolt of lightning at Supergirl, when she was shot in the back. Leslie turned to see a tranquilliser dart sticking out of her back. She looked to see where the shot came from as her eyes started to flutter. A woman in blue and black body amour walked up to her.
"Who are you?" Leslie asked as she started to fade. The woman crouched down beside Leslie before speaking.
"I'm the Sentinal" she stated proudly.

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