𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮: 𝗣𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗲?

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You know the saying It was over before it even begun? Well to Jaeden, this moment was the complete opposite of that!

After what seemed like an eternity, the sounds of screaming teenagers and squawking birds came to an end, and Jaeden peeked his head back up from below his desk, removing his arms from shielding his face.

Immediately he felt the red liquid slowly pouring down the corner of his forehead. "Well then.." he murmured under his breath as he quickly took out his phone and opened the camera app to see where exactly the cut was.

"Woah, Jaeden! You okay?" Lydia asked, removing herself from Stiles' hold once noticing the wound on her best friend's forehead, totally brushing past the slightly smaller one of Stiles' forehead as well.

"Oh yeah, thanks Lydia, I'm great!" Stiles sarcastically comments, kind of hurt since he just spent the last 10 minutes shielding her from the bird attack. She rolls her eyes, looking to Jaeden expectantly, waiting on his response. "Well you know, I've seen better days! I mean, what is wrong with this town? I just got here and I've already been attacked by two animals in less than twenty four hours!"

Jaeden turns away from Stiles and Lydia to Allison's seat. He sees her on the phone, likely with her father.
He takes this time to look around the classroom, it's a complete mess. Books everywhere, paper everywhere, pencils, erasers, rulers, any school supplies, you name it.

"Everyone, everything will be okay! I'm going to call security right now!" says Ms. Blake.

The sound of footsteps was what made the group of three turn around. Allison Argent had approached them, her hair understandably a mess and her phone in her right hand. "Just got off the phone with my dad. He's coming to pick me up. Lydia, he offered to drop you off too, seeing as your car is in the repair shop." The strawberry blonde nodded gratefully.

"Yeah, I should probably call my mom too." Jaeden began, pulling out his phone. He was just about to click on her contact when he remembered that his mother was spending the day with her friends. After the gifts River found in his room last night, he didn't really want to pull her from her day to relax and have some fun. Besides, she mentioned how today was her only day off in the next week before she went back to her 12-hour shifts, working from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Jaeden was extremely proud of his mom. She used to only work the basic 9 to 5, but after his dad left, his Mother had to find a new job in order to make a living for her and her son, and let's just say that she's been doing better off without him. She makes double the money she was making before, has bought an ever bigger house, and still manages to find time to have fun.

Although Jaeden's dad left them, Jaeden doesn't view him as a bad dad, but he definitely isn't getting the Dad of the Year award anytime soon. His dad makes efforts to reach out to him about once or so a week, but a good dad wouldn't leave his family without any support. A good dad wouldn't have said the words that he said to both his son and to his wife. And a good dad wouldn't have forgotten his son's birthday for the past four years.

Stiles seemed to notice the slightly younger boy stuck in his train of thought. "You okay?" He asked, effectively pulling Jaeden back to his senses. The once full classroom of students had dwindled slightly. Parents and police officers beginning to show up, including Chris Argent, also seemed to arrive, speaking with his daughter and her best friend.

"Oh- hey! Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." Jaeden spoke quickly, he hasn't really told anyone about his father, it was kind of a sensitive subject for him. "You sure? You've kind of been staring into what seemed to be nothingness for quite some time." The brown eyed boy asked, earning a nod from Jaeden, reassuring him that all was good.

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