𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟲: 𝗖𝗮𝗿 𝗥𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹

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"This traffic is going to make me lose my mind."

"I know, tell me about it."

The Unholy Trinity, as they call themselves, were stalking behind a Beacon Hills bus on the highway.

They weren't even halfway into the ride to get to whatever school for a meet, but Jaeden was already regretting his decision of coming here. But I mean, could you blame him? He had missed breakfast and it was currently the middle of the day, plus his phone was nearly dead. All in all, Jaeden just wanted to crumble into a ball and die right about now.

However, he told himself that he was not going to ruin this lovely day for the two girls sitting in the seats in front of them, so he tried his best to sit there with a smile on his face.

Jaeden sat back as he listened to Allison retell a story of some confrontation she had with Scott.

From what Jaeden gathered, Scott had found one of Allison's arrows and wanted to know why it was there. He then caught her in a lie and that somehow ended to a kiss that nearly happened.

Ah, Love. Stupid love. Jaeden thought.

He was broken out of his thoughts by Lydia Martin calling his name.

"Jaeden? You okay? You're a bit quiet back there." She said, turning around in her chair to face him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit hungry, didn't eat this morning. Do you think we could stop somewhere? I have the money to pay."

"I'm really sorry, but we can't stop. What if we lose them?" Allison said, catching Lydia's attention.

She turned her head to the driver. "Is it really that big of a deal? Who cares if they're out of sight? We know where they're headed."

"You didn't see what happened." She spoke, really wanting to keep the bus in her visions.

"I know who started it.." The Martin mumbled under her breath.

"Is that what Aiden told you?" Allison shot back. She had a sneaking suspicion that something was going on between those two.

Lydia scoffed, she couldn't believe Allison would mention him. After shooting down the accusations of dating one of the twins, Lydia reached into her bag to pass Jaeden back a granola bar. He gladly accepted it.

This was the last thing Jaeden heard before blocking out both girls and plugging in his earbuds. He turned on a random podcast as he ate the lovely Granola Bar that Lydia graciously had gifted him. To be honest, he didn't even like Granola, but what can he say? He was hungry!

Taking a bite out of his bar, he stared outside the window and it literally seemed as if they were in the middle of the desert. He'd never been to a part of California like this before.

He continued eating his granola bar until it was all gone. It wasn't much but hopefully it would hold him over for a bit. He stored the wrapper in his pocket for now, until they eventually could make a stop at some place and he could throw it away.

Deciding he was bored of the podcast, he took out his earbuds and was brought back into the real world, with sounds of cars driving by and the two girls in front of him speaking to one another.

Scanning around him, he frowned as he noticed traffic beginning to form.

He didn't have much time to dwell on that though as his phone began to ring right after.

Picking it up, he read the name STILES as the contact. Jaeden smiled. If anyone, he knew Stiles could probably lighten the mood.

"Hi, Stiles! How are you?" He asked, happily. Not even thinking about the fact that they were meant to keep this 'following the bus' thing all a secret.

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