𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟰: 𝗦𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺

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Scrolling through his phone, Jaeden Campbell was standing outside the passenger door of Stiles' blue jeep. He had just seen a video of a child attempt to climb a tree. Spoiler alert— the child fell.

Jaeden laughed a lot harder than he should have. He had his earbuds in, living in his own world, everything was so calm and peac-

"Who did it?!" It was Stiles. He presumably had just ran here from his final class of the day. Jaeden was taken aback by the words that had been semi-shouted his way.

"Who did what?" Jaeden totally knew what. He just felt like pushing the older boys' buttons.

"You know what!" Stiles yelled, making so many hand motions whilst he was talking that Jaeden couldn't even keep up with it.

Jaeden had been thinking of replies all day for when this conversation were to inevitably happen, yes.. he was truly that petty. Thinking back to when Stiles refused to be truthful when asked about what he and Lydia were speaking of before the bird attack, Jaeden opened his mouth and put on his best impression of Stiles' voice. "Oh! I actually have absolutely no clue what you're talking about! Sorry!" Proud of his imitation, Jaeden crossed his arms with a playful smile on his face.

Stiles scoffed, "Was that supposed to be me? Are you trying to mock me?" He asked. The Campbell boy responded back almost instantly, "Yeah, I was trying to, yeah. Sorry, did I not make my voice quite high enough?"

For the second time in the past 20 seconds, Stiles scoffed yet again, this time a bit more offended. "Okay! It's official! No donut trips for three days! Get in the car, I'm taking you home."

Stiles rounded the front of the car to get to the driver's seat, hearing the instant apologies from the blond behind him. Stiles laughed before starting the car and pulling off.

Leaving the school parking lot, Stiles repeated his question from before, "No, but in all seriousness, who was it who told you? Lydia, I assume?" He asked. As a response, he only got a head nod and a slight hum. "Alright then, if you really want to help, I can't stop you but you need to be aware of what you're getting yourself into. It's some really dangerous stuff and I don't want you getting hurt. I'm being serious."

"Help? Oh I already have. Turns out the bruises on Lydia & Allison's arms, they form the logo of a bank. Beacon Hills First National Bank to be exact." Stiles hums in response, a bit impressed. "Oh, and by the way," Jaeden begins again, turning to face Stiles for this next part. "Lydia and Allison already gave me the lecture of wanting me to be safe and all, but I heard the stories and honestly if you've managed to last this long, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine!"

Stiles dropped his jaw in shock, throwing his hands up. "What the hell!? You know what, you've lost your donut privileges for a week now! I'm sick of this. What is it? Slander Stiles day or something?"

Jaeden laughed in response. "No, no, Stiles I was only kidding. I'm sure you're great." Jaeden said, trying to salvage his lost donuts. Stiles rolled his eyes.

The pair was now getting closer to the neighborhood they both lived in. "Hey, so uh- Jaeden?" A 'hm?' sound came back in response, so Stiles continued. "Do you mind if we go over my house instead? I could use your help if you don't mind."

Jaeden thought it was the least he could do after picking on him for the past five minutes. "Yeah, sure, no problem."

It was around five minutes later when they arrived at the Stilinski household. "So, what's up?"

"Two things. Firstly, I'm gonna call Scott and let him know about this bank theory you have. Secondly, do you remember Heather from the party?" Jaeden nodded. "Well my dad came to me in school today and apparently she went missing. Now, you're probably the most artistic and creative person I know, so I was wondering..." Stiles went to his desk and pulled out mini poster boards. "If you could help me make some missing posters? I've known her since we were in diapers and I really want to find her."

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