𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯: 𝗢𝗸𝗮𝘆, 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗽

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Multiple days had passed and the first week of school was nearly over.

Throughout these days at school where birds did not crash through classroom windows, very little had happened. Only things to point out were the arrival of twins, whom for whatever reason had all of Jaeden's friends mad. Jaeden had also met the Greek God that was Isaac and his collection of scarves. It was pretty obvious to everyone that Jaeden had found him attractive, but I mean can you blame him?

Throughout the week, Jaeden had more time to fully catch up on things that had happened between the years that he was gone. He also finally got to experience his other classes. Some notable ones being Culinary and Astronomy. The friend group of six was now sat at their lunch table on this Friday night. Discussing events for the weekend.

Jaeden was just humming in response to just about everything everyone was saying for the most part. Occasionally he would pick up his iced lemonade and drink from it.

"Welp, that's Mr. Harris for you." said Scott as Jaeden glanced around the table to the girl sitting beside him, Allison. He noticed something on her arm.

Leaning in close to her, he lowered his voice to not interrupt everyone else and said, "Woah, Allison that looks painful. How'd that happen?" Allison followed Jaeden's eyes and looked downward. "I can't even remember myself to be honest," she lied.

"That kind of reminds me of what I saw on Lydia's arm during Bio class." The blonde spoke to Allison, for the Brunette girl to hum in response.

Jaeden turned his attention to the strawberry blonde sitting across from him "Lydia" he quietly beckoned her over, unknowingly gaining the attention of the other boys at the table, who were confused to see Lydia rise from her seat to go over to them.

On Thursday, the pack had held a meeting discussing how long they would keep Jaeden out of the loop for. Allison & Lydia thought it would be better to tell him sooner whilst Stiles & Isaac wanted to keep Jaeden away from the supernatural side of life, claiming it was too dangerous.

Scott and Derek ultimately decided to agree with the boys, and those four carried the vote, 4-2.

For Jaeden, nothing out of the ordinary had happened recently. Nothing to his knowledge at least. To Lydia & Allison, they had found out they had matching scars whilst the guys figured out a pack of Alphas were after them, and have already taken two of them, Boyd and Erica.

Now, due to how hard the girls fought to include Jaeden in the world of werewolves, it's safe to say that the guys did not trust him around those two, specifically Stiles. And when he heard them conversing about a bruise that Lydia and Allison both got from some lady amid this Alpha Pack scandal, he did not want any part of that to continue any further.

"So anyways, you guys!" He announced, gaining everyone's attention, including the three who were in a small huddle, facing away from the other boys. "A friend of mine is having a birthday party this Sunday. You guys down to come?"

The entire table of friends kind of glanced around at each other, unsure of what to say. Lydia was first to speak. "I'm all one for a party, as we all know, but I think I'm gonna have to pass, unfortunately. Gonna help Allison study for Monday's quiz in Harris' class.

Stiles nodded, looking to the boys in the group expectantly. Isaac spoke up, "Oh don't look at me." He said, stuffing a singular grape into his mouth. "Being swarmed by tons of teenagers from another school doesn't sound very fun."

"Scotty?" asked Stiles, who turned to face his best friend. "Well I mean, it's not that I.. don't want to go-" "Great! You're coming," the light brown eyed boy cut him off. "Jaeden, what about you?"

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