Chapter 10: A Day Off

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"Stiles, slow down. You're going too fast."

"I'm sorry, did you not hear Melissa?" The sarcastic boy asks rhetorically. "She literally said to make sure no one sees."

Lydia rolls her eyes at the response. "I'm sure that with the pace you have us moving, we'll be gaining more attention than keeping it away," then muttering a quick 'sorry' to a poor hospital goer that Stiles had oh so rudely almost bumped into. Jaeden has his head down, covering his forehead with his hand as if he was almost embarrassed to be seen with Stiles as the trio made their way through the halls.

The blond isn't quite sure why he was in a wheelchair. He insisted that he could walk just fine but Stiles refused to allow that, deeming that a wheelchair was the safest option considering how Jaeden had been in serious need of assistance when walking not even twenty minutes ago. Sure, it was true but Jaeden didn't want to seem so dependent and needy.

"Which room number did she say again?" Stiles asks, earning a quick response from Lydia. Seeing that he's about to pass it, Stiles to take a sudden and sharp left turn which causes Jaeden to let out a small groan in pain as his body shifts roughly in the chair, to which Stiles mutters a quick sorry for. Maybe Stiles was right about him not being able to walk.. but jeez was the pace he was going right now not making it any better.

Jaeden's blue eyes trail downward as he looks at his hands. They have dry blood on them, reminding the blond about what had happened at Derek's loft.

Boyd died. Jaeden nearly died too, and he couldn't help but feel that maybe it was his fault. Should he have gotten involved in the fight? Maybe if he had, Boyd wouldn't have either and they could have all been alive.

Before he could get lost in his own mind though playing the memories back in his head, Stiles turns into a room, "And here we are," he says, snapping Jaeden out of his thoughts. If Stiles' announcement didn't catch his attention though, the sound of gloves being smacked onto the hands of Melissa McCall would have.

"Okay guys, we've got to make this quick." She says, moving toward the trio of friends. Lydia finds herself a seat in one of the three visitor chairs that are around the hospital room. "I have patients that are in need and my boss cannot know that I am operating on a teenage boy that was in a brawl with an alpha werewolf."

Jaeden unconsciously raises a finger at the mention of him, almost to say that's me! in a way. From what Stiles explained to him and what he heard whilst listening to the phone call Stiles made to Melissa on the way here, Jaeden figured out that this was Scott's mother. He takes in her features, noticing how similar she looks to her son.

After shooing Stiles away, she leans down slightly to reach the level of the boy in the wheelchair and opens her mouth to speak. "Hello there. What's your name, sweetie?" She asks. Her tone reminds Jaeden of his own mother, causing him to instantly feel comfortable with her.

"I'm Jaeden. Hi." He says with a smile reaching his pink lips. "Hey, Jaeden. I'm Ms. McCall but you can call me Melissa," she starts, earning a nod from Jaeden. "I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened so I know where to start. Can you stand? Come sit up here?" She pats on the hospital bed about two away from them.

Getting up slowly, he makes his way over to take a seat on the bed, his legs dangling off the side of it.

"Alright so tell me what happened..."

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"Well, you have a mild head concussion from being slammed against the pillar, that shouldn't be too too bad though. You'll experience some drowsiness, headaches and some minor memory problems. Nothing too bad though." Melissa explains. Although Jaeden could argue that those things absolutely are pretty bad, he decides to keep quiet. There is one question on his mind though.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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