𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱: 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼

820 45 7

Jaeden knelt down and stared into the waters near the edge of the pool.

There was a dead body. Someone died here.

It wasn't until he finally heard the rusty sound of Stiles' jeep pull up did he take his eyes off of the waters. Swiftly, he exited his jeep and ran over to the two teens who had called him.

"Jaeden, Lydia, you two okay?" He asked as he made his way toward the two. "We're fine Stiles, but that over there..." Lydia responded, pointing to the dead body that sat atop the lifeguard chair, "not fine.."

"Yeah, okay. I'm calling my dad." Stiles pulled out his phone and began to dial before Jaeden stopped him. "Don't. I already called them." Stiles stopped in his tracks, looking up from his phone. "You called the police before you called me?" Jaeden nodded as if it was obvious, "You expect me to call you before anyone else when I find a dead body?"

"YES!" Stiles yelled as if it was obvious, his eyes widened and his eyebrows raised just from how much he meant it. "Noted.." Jaeden said quietly to himself silently as Stiles walked past him, going over to inspect the body.

Soon enough Stiles pulled out his phone too, Jaeden wasn't really listening in but from what he could hear it was just all typical Stiles stuff: The Shining and Crazy Sacrifice Theories.

Hanging up, Stiles made his way back toward his friends, just as the police were arriving. The lead deputy of the two who arrived approached the teens and asked them questions which they happily answered. "Miss Martin and Mister Campbell, you two have rides home?"

"I have my car." Lydia responded, motioning to the newly repaired car parked to the side of them. "And this one will be with me." Stiles interjected, sneaking his left arm around Jaeden's shoulder. Jaeden calmly picked up Stiles arm and unraveled himself from his touch without even moving his gaze. "Yup— okay." Stiles said awkwardly, resorting to patting him on the shoulder instead. This prompted a small laugh from Lydia Martin.

"Alright...?" The lead police officer of the two said awkwardly as he watched the trio of kids behave strangely. "We're going to put up the tape and officially make this a crime scene. Thanks for your time, you're free to go home."

And so they did. Lydia getting in her car and driving away, whilst Stiles & Jaeden lingered there a bit longer since Stiles had many many questions to ask.

Sensing that the police officers were getting fed up with their boss's son, Jaeden internally cringed whilst watching from the passenger seat of Stiles' Jeep. Soon enough, Stiles stomped his way back to the car. "That looks like it went well." Jaeden said as Stiles entered the car. "Tell me about it."

"Alright well, we gotta get you home." Stiles said, turning the key and successfully igniting the car and beginning to drive.

"Woah, woah, woah, what?" Jaeden interjected. "Home!? What do you mean home? No, I'm coming with you. Wherever you're going, I'm in." He finished, waving his hands around whilst speaking to hopefully emphasize his point.

"Jaeden, I don't know if you noticed, but there are literal manic werewolves— skip that, crazy psychopath, super moon werewolves roaming around like madmen around Beacon Hills. I'm not going to bring you out when it's basically hunting season for them!" Stiles tried to keep his eyes on the road, but he found himself looking back and forth between the road and the boy sat beside him.

"So then why are you staying out?" The blond's rebuttal came back quick. "Well...." Stiles began, reaching into the backseat and pulling out a bat. "Because I got this." Jaeden gave him a look that basically said I'm not impressed.

"Don't underestimate the bat, alright. I've done some mad damage with it back in my day." He placed the bat back in the backseat and continued to drive.

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