𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟵: 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗨𝗽

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He drove his white Kia to Derek's loft. Sure, he hadn't fully had his license yet, but no one needed to know that. Besides, his mother was taking him to get it later this week. He was meant to have gotten it today but unfortunately the trip had gotten delayed.

It wasn't until half past eleven did Jaeden finally arrive at his destination.

"Hello?" Jaeden announced into loft he had been to just a few times before. By the looks of it, the loft was completely empty. No one was in sight. Stepping in a bit more, Jaeden felt a wetness reach his feet. "The hell?" He muttered under his breath as his eyes scanned the floor to see that it was completely covered in water. Not too deep though, just up to Jaeden's ankles. He was considering turning around until a voice called back to him. "We're back here!" The voice was Isaac's. Feeling a sense of security, Jaeden attempted to make his way to the right side of the loft whilst getting as little amounts of water on him as possible.

"Okay so.." he said as he made his way to Boyd and Isaac, motioning his hands as if he was expecting some type of reason for his summoning. "..What's up? Was there a specific reason you called me here so sudden?" His phone was in hand as he looked over at the two werewolves he had basically shared a motel room with just the other day.

"There was actually," Boyd begun. "The Alpha pack is coming tonight for Derek and we have to protect him." The Alpha Pack? He's only heard of them from Stiles and his ranting, but the only ones he's ever seen are the Twins, and that was only when they pulled him into an empty classroom for interrogation. Although slightly startled, the blond decided to keep quiet so that Boyd could continue his explanation. When he opened his mouth to continue, he was interrupted by someone who seemed to have heard the first part of the conversation that happened moments ago.

"I don't need any protection," Jaeden's heart jumped slightly as he placed his hand over it in shock of the figure that seemed to have emerged from behind the two boys. He looked over to see Derek, who had just come out of a side room. He crossed his arms as he stood firmly beside his two betas. "But continue.." Derek finished. Jaeden found himself so intrigued with Derek. He had never really shown any type of emotion: neither in his face nor in his words. Although Stiles would often refer to Derek as a "sour wolf" during their conversations, Jaeden thought it was actually pretty cool. Although he's heard a slight bit of Derek's past, he wasn't 100% informed on Derek's history so just assumed that there must have been some type of reason for it.

"As I was saying.. when the Alpha Pack gets here," Boyd began again, with Jaeden's blue eyes along with the other werewolves in the room following so that they could possibly pick up any extra information that they may have missed. "We'd have already disabled the building's circuit which will allow access to the current, and anyone who steps foot in here? They'll get a pretty shocking surprise."

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac chimed in, wrapping a hand around Boyd's shoulder as to show he was proud of his fellow beta for the genius plan.

"Okayyy?" Jaeden prompted. Their plan seemed impressive yes, but how was he going to help with that? If they were thinking he was going to set up the circuit they sure were mistaken.

It seemed as if the werewolves in the room could read his mind as Derek spoke up next. "Scott told me yesterday that your eyes were green... glowing green." He stepped forward, the blond matching his movements, but instead taking a step back to keep distance between them. He trusted Isaac and all, but he had no clue what they wanted with him. Were they going to run tests on him or something?

"We just want you to see if you can use your powers in anyway, so if for whatever reason, the electricity doesn't kill them, you'd be able to be help out in some way."

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