taehyun | eyes of lust

411 12 20


warnings: A LOT of swearing, sexual and explicit (no smut), alcohol


"y/n, what the fuck are you wearing?" taehyun questioned furiously, eyeing you up and down.

you raise a brow at his sudden aggression, "um? problem?"

"you're literally dressed like a hooker right now, what do you mean what's my problem?"

"that's not your business— and so what if i'm dressed like a hooker?" you scoffed.

he was right though; the black dress you wore had a silk touch to it, laces on each end. it had a v cut that showed your cleavage off and its length was unbelievably short. your fishnets didn't help at all and only added to the 'hooker' look.

"why did you pick this dress out of everything else you had?"

"because we're going to a party? stop making it such a big deal."

it's not like the two of you were even dating or had anything going on between each other, but there has always been a lot of tension between the two of you, but neither of you ever said anything about it.

he looks at you with a look of disapproval for a second but decided not to say anything else. "let's just go." he grumbles under his breath, getting in his friend's car as you followed along.

the car ride was rather silent; you were seated beside him yet he didn't even bother saying a word during the ride. his friends could easily read the room and decided not to say anything either.

no music played and the silence was almost deafening, luckily though the way to the party was only 10 minutes away.


finally arriving at the party, you enter the house with an excited look on your face. the smell of alcohol reeked in the air as soon as you stepped in and the sound of music playing blasted out loud.

you walked further and made your way to the living room where everyone else was. house parties were usually the most fun type of parties because you were almost unlimited to things you could do.

you looked around, reading everyone's faces and expressions. familiar and unfamiliar faces everywhere.

"pretty dress for a pretty woman." a low voice spoke behind you closely to your ear as you felt an arm slither around your waist.

you turn your head to face him while your back was against his front-side. you saw taehyun in the corner of your eye, watching you almost very obviously.

you grinned slyly, pressing your behind against the man— or to be more specific, Hoyeon, an acquaintance of yours. your hips pressed against his; you made sure taehyun saw every second.

"did you come here alone?" he asked, pulling you closer to him by your waist. your hips swayed side to side, dancing to the rhythm of the music.

"maybe, why does that matter?"

he smirks, turning you around so you were now facing him. he pulled you closer to him, your body pressing against his chest as he seductively says, "just making sure, darling."

his eyes land on your upper body, not even hiding the fact that he's staring at your cleavage. he bites his bottom lips as his cheeks turned red.

his eyes shift back to yours, maintaining eye contact. his gaze made you feel uneasy— he looked at you like an object that he just wanted to use to pleasure himself.

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