soobin | warmth

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warnings: none except for the picture above :) also i didnt proofread it so beware


the sound of the clock ticking filled the room and the feeling of loneliness killed you on the inside.

you hated sleeping just because of the thoughts that'd get to your head whenever you closed your eyes.

tonight wasn't any different except for the fact that you were at your friends' dorm. most of them were working overtime and the only people home were you and soobin

although it was quite late, the others didn't seem like they'd get home any time sooner. quite unfortunate for them but they'd sleep at their company's buildings sometimes anyway.

you were lying silently on the couch since that's where you decided to sleep despite everyone else's beds being empty.

the room was quite colder than usual even though you've adjusted the room temperature so many times already.

you tried to close your eyes and fall asleep but the sound of your phone buzzing immediately awakened you.

you checked your notifications only to see messages from soobin himself.

soobin - 2:37 AM
y/n pls im dying

soobin - 2:39 AM
r u awake

soobin - 2:41 AM
i need help im about to die 😭

soobin - 2:43 AM
u will be convicted for murder if u dont come and help me im literally about to pass away

now you had no idea what he was messaging you for or why he's asking you for help but you thought that it could also be temperature problem.

you put your phone back down, contemplating whether you should go and help him or pretend to be asleep but you thought that it'd be really mean if you let him 'die'.

you sighed and got up, bringing your blanket with you as you walked to his room.

you opened the door without knocking and entered his shared room. since his roommate wasn't home, it was just him in there.

you stood silently for a minute or two and just stared at him; he was under at least 4 blankets and he still looked like he was on the verge of freezing to death.

his entire body, including his head, was under the blanket and the only thing you could see was his pale face.

you approached him almost silently since you were wearing socks. the room was quite dark and the only source of light was the warm lamp that barely lit anything. it was good for sleeping though.

it took him quite a while to even notice that you were now standing in front of him.

you giggled, crossing your arms. "is this what you need help with?"

"this is not a laughing matter," he hissed. "i feel like my blood circulation just stopped."

"how exactly am i going to help you with that?"

"taehyun said humans provide heat."


"y/n please just come under the blanket and give me warmth, i'm about to see the other side." he begged, moving a bit to give you some space to lie down.

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