yeonjun | starry eyes

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warnings: none

a/n: guys this is really short but like im just reminiscing and projecting it through this story smh also im not sure if this is good but like i need to start writing again my brain hasnt been working right


countless stars glimmered in the night sky; the moon outstandingly shining with millions of stars surrounding it. the sea reflected the dark sky, small waves crashing into the sandy shore.

the environment was quiet; you weren't supposed to be outside at this time and you'd definitely get in trouble if you got caught by one of the supervisors but you'd rather risk it than not experience this very moment.

it was just you and him.

choi yeonjun.

you were seated on an adjustable sun-bed right beside him. your eyes were focused on the dazzling sky, unable to look away.

he pointed at different constellations and would name each and every one of them. he looked so proud of himself whenever he named one; it felt like an achievement to him.

you found it adorable whenever he talked about his interests; it's the way his eyes would light up, the way he would have the biggest smile on his face, the different expressions he'd make.

"oh, do you see that one?" he said as his eyes eagerly gazed at the night sky, "here, give me your hand."

a smile plastered on your face as you followed and gave him your hand; you pointed your index finger and allowed him to guide you. the feeling of his soft hand holding yours gave you a mix of emotions.

he shaped out the said constellation as he continued, "this one's called aquila. it's also known as the eagle constellation since it looks like one but i personally think it looks more like a pterodactyl."

"well yeah but don't you think it's more convenient to call it the eagle constellation rather than the pterodactyl?"

"but the eagle constellation sounds too bland." he stated.

you didn't protest any longer and nodded your head in agreement. he was right though, calling such a beautiful constellation 'the eagle' sounds a bit too boring compared to 'the pterodactyl'. perhaps it sounded more memorable or interesting.

you slowly lowered your hand down and expected him to let go but his hand didn't leave yours. your eyes glanced away from the stars and looked towards his direction.

he was still gazing at the starry sky.

it didn't take a second before you felt dazed. your eyes suddenly fixed on him and you couldn't seem to look away.

you were mesmerized by how his eyes reflected the bright stars-- he quite literally had stars in his eyes. you've known him for quite a while now yet you've only realized how charming he looked.

you felt allured by his aura.

your mind suddenly went blank when you felt his fingers lock with yours; his eyes didn't seem to move away from the night sky yet it felt like he wasn't even looking at the stars anymore.

your heart started beating rapidly but you didn't move or say anything. your eyes were still on him and in no world were you going to look away.

his blue hair was quite messy and everywhere but it looked as if he styled it that way; his lips were shaped into a sly smirk and his skin were rosier than usual. out of all the things that were shining in the sky, yeonjun seemed to be outshining them.

you couldn't help but just smile at the sight of him.

you could only wish this night could last longer.

"look, there's another one over there!" his eyes lit up, a big smile spreading across his face as he pointed out for something in the sky. "this one's called lyra."

"oh wait, i know that one!" you giggled, eyes back at the sky. "you told me about it the first time we met!"

you suddenly felt a burst of energy and continued to speak while he eagerly listened with a genuine smile on his face, "it's called the harp and from what i remember, it's one of the brightest ever."

"i'm surprised you remember. " he chuckled, "it's really beautiful, don't you think?"

"yeah," you agreed, "you know, i didn't realize that you'd be really interested in stars."

"who wouldn't be? i mean, they're infinite and they're just so beautiful, you know? i feel like i can never be alone because the stars are always in the sky."

you remained silent and allowed him to speak his thoughts out loud.

"do you not like them?" he asked, turning towards you.

"no, i do." you replied, "this is my first time stargazing and actually enjoying it, all the other times were too boring." you trailed off for a second before continuing, "i guess it's more enjoyable and calming because you're here."

he hummed in response; you weren't even looking at him yet you could feel him smirking. "you know, i'm not sure if you enjoyed looking at the stars or if you enjoyed looking at me."

you swiftly turned towards his direction and you were right, he had a huge grin on his face. you opened your mouth to say something but you felt too flustered to speak up.

he leaned in closer to your face, making your poor heart skip a beat.

"so which did you enjoy more y/n," he began, eyes locked with yours, "me or the stars?"

you were left speechless for a minute or two before you managed to get yourself together as you cleared your throat and spoke lowly, "uh.. back to constellations?"

he was unable to control himself and bursted into laughter, "jeez y/n, you get flustered so easily, it's cute."


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a/n: i hate moas and stays like?? im a txt stan but bro,,,, the way both these fandoms r so toxic is so frustrating?? moas are not any better than stays theyre both equally toxic like can yall just stop comparing completely different groups and accept the fact that they both deserve the recognition they get and that they both make good music ☠️ all txt n skz members r talented n they worked hard to get to where they are now bro like why r u all so obsessed move on w ur life man go outside and touch grass even idc stream both of their upcoming cbs ❤️🤗 stan txt stan skz for a social life

thank you for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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