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The Baudelaires and Quagmires are royalty. All the parents are alive and the Quagmires are over for a visit from their palace to the Baudelaires. The Baudelaires have a maid named Lucia. I'm just going to call the parents by their last names because I'm not totally sure on the Quagmires' parents first names.

The Quagmires had been over for the day for the adults to discuss some matters about their kingdoms. When they had arrived, the children split off in their various directions. Klaus with Isadora, Duncan with Sunny and Violet with Quigley.

Lucia was on her way to Violets room with her evening gown. What she would see when she walked would not be what she expected.

She knocked on Violet's door, but when no answer came, she opened the door. She scanned the room for Violet and let out a gasp when she saw her, the gown flipping from her fingertips.

Violet sat on the couch kissing Quigley, the two wrapped in each other's arms.

Lucia turned on her heels and ran out of the room to the dining hall where the parents were.

"Your Majesties," she began slightly out of breath, and four heads turned to her simultaneously. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but may I please speak to both the Queens?"

It wasn't often that Lucia required the presence of Queen Baudelaire and so urgently, so she got up, as did Queen Quagmire the other, and followed Lucia out of the dining hall.

"What is it you require?" Queen Baudelaire asked politely.

"" Replied Lucia, stilled too shocked to be able to speak in coherent sentences.

"Dear, take a deep breath, and explain please."

Lucia took a deep breath and said, "I think it best if you follow me."

Lucia led the Queens to Violets bedroom and explained on the way.

"I was on my way to give Princess Violet her evening gown—as you requested—but when I walked in, I saw this..." Lucia motioned with her hand to the open door, for by this time they had reached Violets room.

"Oh my..." Both the Queens said, for Violet and Quigley had still not broken apart.

"Violet Baudelaire!" Queen Baudelaire said firmly, and Violet broke apart from Quigley at the sound of her mothers voice. Her face flushed a bright red. "That is no way for a princess to behave. Get off of Prince Quigley."

When Violet made no attempt to move, still to shocked to see her mother at this very moment, Queen Quagmire addressed Quigley. "Quigley, get off of Princess Violet please." She said and Quigley did. He untangled his fingers from her hair and removed his hand from her waist and moved further down the couch to put some distance between them.

"Violet, what do you have to say for yourself? Such indecent behaviour! I thought I could expect more from you. But you go and do this? That is not how I raised my daughter to behave!" Queen Baudelaire said, seething with rage and embarrassment on behalf of her daughter.

"Mother!" Violet said, standing up from her seat. "What did you expect? For me to have tea with Quigley? That is sooooooo boring!" Violet was very angry and her voice was rising louder.

"I expected you spend time with Isadora or play with Sunny or something. But this? This is not how I expected you to behave! This is not how a princess should behave!"

Violet was very angry at her mother and was about to shout back when she felt Quigleys hand on her shoulder and his breath in her ear. "Let it go, it's ok. Don't say something you'll regret later."

Violet took a deep breath and said, "Mother, I think it best if we don't discuss this matter now, especially when we have guests over."

Queen Baudelaire was taken aback by Violets sudden change in tone and was embarrassed of the way she had acted. Queen Quagmire was equally surprised having seen how quickly Quigley was able to calm Violet down with just a touch on the shoulder and a few soothing words.

"I think you're right," Queen Baudelaire replied, matching Violet's tone. "But if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you momentarily in the corridor."

Quigley squeezed Violet's hand, then walked over to his mothers side as Violet followed behind her mother. Lucia hung up Violet's dress and left the room as well but went in the opposite direction.

"Violet," Her mother began, "I'd like to apologise for my behaviour before, it wasn't right of me to yell at you in front of the others."

"It's alright, I forgive you. I'm sorry too." Violet mumbled.

"But, I was very shocked to see you with Quigley. You're betrothed after all."

"I know, I know. But Isadora is always with Klaus and Duncan's boring, no offence, and Sunny's great but she's always in the kitchen or with Duncan. Of course me and Quigley would end up hanging out."

"You're betrothed Violet! You can't behave like that. I understand that you have to hang out with Quigley but I expected more of you. You're next in line for the throne." Queen Baudelaire said.

"Mother, you don't allow me to invent because it's 'unlady like'" Violet replied, air quoting with her fingers, getting angry again. "And now I can't kiss the guy I love? What more do you want from me!"

"You love him?" Queen Baudelaire said at the same time that Quigley and Queen Quagmire exited from Violets room.

"You love me?" Quigley said.

"Yes." Violet replied, turning around and looking at her feet.

"I...I love you too." Quigley said with a big smile on his face and walked over to Violet. He picked her up in his arms and spun her around. Violet buried her face in his shoulder and hugged him tighter.

"Your Majesty, may I kiss you daughter?" Quigley said when he placed Violet back on her feet but did not let her go.

"" Queen Baudelaire was lost for words. "Yes." She sighed.

Quigley kept one hand on Violet's waist and cupped her face with the other and kissed her gently. Violet wrapped her arms around Quigleys neck, tangled her fingers in his hair and kissed him back.

"What am I going to do?" Queen Baudelaire asked herself.

"It's alright, we'll figure something out." Queen Quagmire said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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