Holy freaking abs?!

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No! Please stop it hurts! It hurts so bad please! Pain stabbed through me. He had hit me again. All I felt was pain, all I saw was pain. "I know what you did" he whispered into my ear "You will forget, he will forget."
"Rose?" I immediately jumped up from the bed. I stood in the middle of the room trying to catch my breath. That stupid nightmare again. It's weird because I have no idea what I did. In my dream my father was punishing me for something I did, but I don't remember what it was. It must have been important, so important that I forgot what it was. I don't even remember that particular beating and I remember all my so called "punishments" so why am I forgetting this one? And why does it keep coming up in my dreams? Honestly it made no sense to me. "Helloooo?" I heard a voice and soon realised it was Daisy. I managed to snap back to reality and respond.

"Oh sorry" I said barely being able to frame words.

"Do you usually do that?" she asked

"Do what?"

"Completely zone out and yell in your dreams?"

"Yeah you better get used to it" I chuckled"

"What was your dream about anyway?"

"I- it was less of a dream and more of a nightmare" I stutter

"Oh sorry I shouldn't have asked, I have a tendency to be nosy"

"Yeah I noticed" I said. "What time is it?" I asked running my eyes. "Late and we have to go breakfast starts soon"

"WHAT?!" I yelled "I haven't even showered yet!" she just shrugged as I ran to the bathroom and locked the door shut. I took a quick rinse in the shower and put on a t shirt and shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun and quickly brushed my teeth. "That was oddly fast" Daisy said looking at me as If I was a ghost.

"I never really cared about how I look" I pause "I'm actually getting better at self care" I add seeing her concerned face

"You don't even try and you look like that!"

"Um I guess so, do I look bad?" I looked down at myself concerned.

"Oh no you look great!" she said staring at me with her big brown eyes

"Why are you staring?" I ask following her gaze "I'm just imaging you in a dress"

"Oh hell no" I ran out the room

"Wait for meeeee" she yelled from behind me. I ran down the staircase and looked around. "I think we're lost" I say scratching the my head

"Correction you're lost I know exactly where we are" she said looking quite offended

"Then why the hell would you let me navigate us into the complete wrong direction!" I ask

"I guess I just like seeing you struggle" she said smiling at me. "Follow me" she said.

And I did.
Sooner or later we ended up in the cafeteria. Oddly, it looked just like a normal cafeteria, the people I know are not. I spotted Ashton and Aidan and of course they were at the buffet. I ran to them to try and scare them. As they were turned round I yelled "BOO" as usual Ashton remained unfazed but, Aidan let out a girl scream. I couldn't help but laugh. My job here is done.

"Bye losers!" I yelled while laughing and running away. I heard Aidan say something but I didn't hear him. I took a plate and scanned the area in search of Daisy. I decided to just look later. I'm the meantime I picked out some food from the buffet.

I looked around and saw her in a crowd of girls. They were gossiping about something, or shall I say someone. I decided not to get involved so I just sat down at an empty table. Once I had demolished my plate of food I went to see what was so important to Daisy that she spent around 10 minutes in that crowd of girls. "Hey what's up" I said. "Oh hey Rose"she sounded weird
"Guys this is my friend Rose" they all smiled at me.

There were three of them. "Hi my name is Josie" one of the girls said. She was a short brunette but, I could tell she hates being underestimated because of her height so I wasn't gonna bring it up of course. "I'm Ruby" this girl was a red head with pale skin and freckles and unlike Josie she was extremely tall, taller than me even. But then again I'm quite short so it wasn't much of a comparison. "I'm Elise" this girl hard dark silky black hair and piercing brown eyes. She seemed nice.

And then of course there was Daisy who stood in the centre of it all. Now that we were in the light I noticed that she was really very beautiful. She has long black colour hair that fell around her shoulders and satiny brown skin. She always stood with her head held high and a smile on her face at all times. That was really inspirational to me, and I respect her for that.

"So what's with all the gossiping" I said sitting down at my table whilst still looking at them. They all sat down around me.

"You're new so you don't know who Tyler Blake is yet" said Elise

"You're right I have no idea who you're talking about" I said looking around.

"Lucky you to lay eyes on him for the first time" said Josie a bit obsessively. "Literally every girl in our age group, even some in other age groups obsess over him, I mean I don't blame them he's a total hottie I mean look at him" she pointed to the door on our left.

"There's no one there" I say

"You missed him!" Ruby huffs "You'll see him later don't worry" said Daisy.

"Yeah I'm not worrying" I say. Daisy rolled her eyes at me.

"Trust me you'll know what we mean when you see him".

"Whatever" I say still unconvinced

I see Greyson walk through the door wearing a leather jacket and jeans and no freaking shirt underneath. What the hell was he doing? You could see his abs quite clearly as they were PRESENTED FOR THE WHOLE FEMALE POPULATION TO SEE. I sighed.

"Holy freaking abs" I heard one of the girls say. They all squealed like hyenas so loudly they nearly bursted my eardrums.

"What the hell!" I yell

"Have you seen that hot boy that went past!"

"He's gorgeous" said Daisy excitedly. "Rose why aren't you excited? If you don't find that dude attractive you must be blind"

"Yeah about that he's actually my brother" I say awkwardly.

"WHAT" they all shout in sync.

"You didn't tell us you have a hot brother" said Ruby

"I've known you guys like two minutes I'm not gonna tell you my whole life story and actually I don't just have one brother"

"How many brother so you have?" Josie asked

"I have four"

"OMG" they all yelled in sync again.

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