Family trip

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I followed Claire out through the back exit of the school where the parking lot is. Lined up were five motorcycles and next to them stood Greyson, Axel, Ashton and Aidan. "Where did you manage to get five motorcycles?" I said still staring at them in shock

"My friends lent them to me for the evening, pretty cool right?" said Greyson putting on his helmet

"Yeah I guess, I'm not even old enough to ride" I say

"Don't worry I have a spare helmet" said Greyson throwing it at me

"Come on let's go" I heard Ashton say


"It's a surprise.." said Claire from behind me

"What are you waiting for, get on" said Greyson. I put on my helmet and sat on the back of the bike

"Don't go too fast" I say to him

"No can do, we all made a bet. Last one there has to go back to the house and order a pizza for all of us"

I shot him a death stare

"What! The food here sucks and we all agreed" Greyson said

He wasn't wrong, the food here wasn't the best. They made us eat food that were low on calories and fat to keep us in shape. And the only dessert they ever give us is jello! I really miss my pizza and McDonalds.

"Fine" I said with a sigh "Let's go"

"Hold on tight" said Greyson. I saw him put the keys in before starting up the engine. The engine made a loud roaring sound, scaring me a little.

"I'm really starting to regret my decision" I had to yell over the rumbling of the engine

"Too late" he yelled back. I just rolled my eyes

"I can feel you rolling your eyes, you know"

I hesitated before saying "'re wrong"

"Ok then' he said in a sarcastic tone

"I hate you and the motorcycle" I grumbled as the engine roared below me

"I'm your brother you're forced to love me" he said. I could literally imagine him smirking when saying that

"And I'm your sister and as your sister the least you could do is take my say into consideration before forcing me to get on this...beast"

"Whatever, you'll thank me later" he said

We took off at very high speed, the shock of it nearly blew me off the bike but the more we drove the better it became. I felt the wind blow through my hair as we sped down the road, I looked back at the school that was only getting smaller and smaller as we drove further away.

We quickly overtook everyone with Axel not too far behind, this actually...wasn't so bad. I expected to fall off instantly or be scared for the whole ride but actually it was the complete opposite. It was as if the fire inside me that was buried for so many years had finally come to life, all those years of my father's beatings and hurtful words didn't matter anymore. I realised I didn't care anymore, I didn't even care about falling off this motorcycle because I'm used to the pain. Nothing is worse than my past.

We stared driving up a mountain by the looks of it, we were starting to get slower and slower the steeper it became , where were we even going? Once we got back on flat ground we finally came to a stop. Greyson slipped off his helmet and turned to me

"So how was it?" he asked me, I just stayed quiet knowing what my answer is. I freaking loved it, but I wasn't gonna tell him that

"You loved It didn't you?" he said "I told you you would" a smile started to form on his face

"It was...alright I guess" I lied

"Don't lie to me Rosie I know you loved it"

I just avoided the question "Where are we?" I asked

I saw Axel and Ashton come to a stop next to me. "Finally, there you are" I said

"Took you long enough" said Greyson

"Where's Claire and Aidan?" I asked them

There was no need to answer the question as Claire and Aidan were put back into view. They both got off the motorcycles and walked over to us.

"Aidan I guess you're ordering the pizza" said Axel

"I know, I know" Aidan sighed

For some reason I felt a bit bad for him so before I could even think, my words let me down "I'll come with" I said

"Really, that would be great" said Aidan looking surprised

"I don't trust you to not eat all the pizzas on the way back" I said while laughing a bit. He laughed too.

"Anyway come see the view" said Greyson gesturing us to the edge of the mountain. I followed him and looked down

"It's beautiful!" said Claire

It really was a beautiful view, you could see everything from up here. I just sat down and admired the beauty of this moment. You could see every light from each house shining through the window, every street, every small thing that makes the underworld so mesmerising. You could even see the school from up here. It looked so small looking at it from this perspective, but it stood out from everything else. It looked like a castle.

I looked around to see everyone else was sat down too. I placed my head on Claire's shoulder and I saw her smile a little. There are moments like these that you are grateful that you are alive, it's moments like these you try to make the most of. It's nice to just let loose from all the worrying and training and just relax altogether. It was rare for us to ever spend normal time together that wasn't hitting each other. It's sad if you think about it really, knowing no memory could ever be better than this one.

We sat like that for what seemed like hours before the sun disappearing into the horizon, leaving a beautiful sunset. "We should get going, its getting late" said Ashton

You're probably right, let's go" said Axel

We all stood up, I followed Greyson to the motorcycle and we both put on our helmets before driving away.

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