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I dropped to my knees and place his large body frame into my arms, tears were rolling down my cheeks, the blood wouldn't stop gushing out from his wound. I tighten my grip on him as I pulled him closer "Please don't go, don't leave!" my words came out broken "We didn't get the pizza.." I heard him say while taking deep long breaths, I knew I was losing him. "It will be alright, I promise you okay? You're not going to die" I say unable to believe my own words, he just lets out a quiet laugh.

"We both know that's not going to happen" I saw a single tear roll down onto his cheek. I see he's trying to keep it together, his eyes tell a different story. His eyes are pools of sadness, probably because he didn't get a chance to live. Because 16 years never would have been enough.

"Please just hold on ok? P-promise me you'll try" my sobs made it hard for me to form words, he just stared at me and smiled, that beautiful smile of his that would light any room except for this one. "SAY SOMETHING!" I screamed, shaking him and holding onto him so tightly he might just break. "Tell Ashton if he doesn't behave I'll haunt him as a ghost" his eyes were still closed as he said it. A small laugh escapes my lips.

"I promise" my  face becoming damp with tears but I didn't dare break eye contact with my brother, my best friend. "I love you." I whispered to him shakily, he smiles once more before his eyes flutter open for the last time. I felt his head becomes limp in my lap and his eyes slowly close again, this time forever. Now all that was left was a tear on his cheek and a pool of his own blood.

I couldn't help but let out a loud shriek of pain as I sobbed into his chest, holding onto his now dead body. I screamed my lungs out, I cried in sorrow, in pain, in anger. I had kept this in for so long and it had all come out as I finally gave in to my own self-pity. For as long as I could handle I just wailed and screamed before dropping the body gently and crawling to the other side of the elevator barely savouring the last bit of energy I had left.

I curled myself into a ball and put my face in my hands, not being able to look at the body of my dead brother. No matter how much I tried to stop crying, the tears just kept coming. I was crying so much I didn't even realise the blood that covered my hands and now my face. His blood. I just stared at my hands in utter anger and frantically began to scrub the blood off my hands but to no avail. "GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed in annoyance and continued to do so before I felt the elevator come to a stop.

I was struggling to stand up so I used to wall to hold on to. I looked around at the pool of blood that surrounded a lifeless Aidan. I sob escaped my mouth at the sight of it, it took my body a hell of a lot of convincing to walk up to him and lightly kiss his forehead.

It broke my heart, leaving him here but I will come back for him if its the last thing I do. When the doors opened I stepped out, at this point tears were still streaming down my cheeks like fountains. I had just lost my best friend, someone that I believed would grow old with me, someone who I thought would stay with me and meet my kids. The thought killed me, especially because I know it should of been me instead of him.


After many breaks to sit and cry somehow I managed to reach the school. Of course I entered through the back entrance and as soon as I stepped into the school I bolted up the stairs. To my horror Axel and Greyson were standing just at the top, their faces turned away from me, luckily. There was no way I could get past them without them seeing me

"Um hi" I say trying to wipe away the tears that drenched my face. "Oh Rose, did you get the pizza because-" the moment Axel turned his smile immediately dropped at the sight of me covered in blood. Hearing Axel's hesitation Greyson turned to me. "What the hell" this is the first time I've ever been able to see Greyson's expression so clearly. They both looked at me, concern painted across their faces.

"Rose tell us what happened!" I heard Axel say, for some reason I wasn't able to respond. I felt my vision blurring and tears forming once again. "Rose just spit it out!" Greyson's quick change in tone scared me a little but I stayed silent. They both just stared at me wide-eyed waiting for a response until I heard footsteps coming out way "Hey are Rose and Aidan back I'm starving?" Claire appeared next to Greyson and just stared at me in shock. She was about to say something before I burst out crying once again.

"They're dead" I choke out "They're all dead I watched it happen" I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in to a hug. I sobbed into their chest, I expected it to be Claire but when I looked up I  saw it was Greyson. He held on to me tighter and we stayed there for a few seconds before he pulled away "Tell us exactly what happened" he then said

"Um Aidan and I...we came to the house and a group of people wearing masks broke in. The masked person who killed Aiden had a red spot on the top of their mask" I stopped to wipe away the tears forming in my eyes again. "They killed Chris first" I said in a broken whisper "Then Lena" I heard Claire gasp "Aidan and I almost made it..." a loud sob escaped my lips again "H-he was daggered and he died in my arms" I felt my body just collapse, my poor aching heart. It feels as if a part of me was ripped out, I doubt that hole will ever be filled again. " Why does it hurt so much?" I ask in a faint whimper.

I looked up first to Axel, all the colour had left his face he was as pale as a ghost. Claire was balling her eyes out. Greyson just stared at me with widened eyes before moving towards me and picking me up from the floor. "How are we gonna tell Ashton?" I ask

"We're going there now."

Sorry this chapter was kinda short, I hoped you enjoyed it anyway though!!

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