Knife throwing

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We have training for 2 hours today as our first lesson, to be honest I'm kind of dreading it. I don't think I'll be able to face anyone else today. I opened the door to my room and was instantly greeted by a flying object. It hit me hard in the forehead, I looked down and saw a hairbrush now lying on the ground. "why do you always throw things at me?" I ask Daisy

"You absolute idiot where have you been I've been waiting?" she yelled "You weren't even at breakfast what happened?"I just stared t her still quite offended that she would hit me in the face with a hairbrush. "You may want to sit down for this" here we go again.

She sat down next to me "Aidan's dead, I watched him die. He was daggered" I cloud feel my throat close up once again at the thought of it, this time I really did try to clear it. Unsuccessfully. I could actually feel it coming up in my chest behind my eyes. Daisy took my hands  and clasped it gently in her own as I tried so hard to continue on with the story without spilling any tears.

"He um- he died in my arms and my unc- I mean my parents were killed too, I watched." I really had to lie to her, it's not like I could tell her that Chris is actually my uncle. "I am so sorry Rose" I saw her eyes become glossy as if she was fighting tears. "It's okay, I need to go get the body soon" and at that I couldn't hold back anymore. The tears had made their return "I don't want to see it Daisy, I don't but I have to I promised myself I would" she grabbed me and embraced me into a tight hug as she stroked my hair gently. "Why do these things keep happening to me, its not fair. They should of killed me too, I don't deserve to live with this. I don't-" my words seemed to fail me at that moment. I gasped for air, knowing the tears would never stop coming as I let out an ear-piercing shriek of pure, utter pain.

She held onto me tight whispering something into my ear over my sobs that I couldn't quite understand. "I know it's hard, but Aidan wouldn't want you to cry over something we can't control. He would want you to carry on living your life to the fullest because you never know what's going to happen tomorrow"

Eventually the tears stopped "We're going to have to plan a funeral aren't we?" I ask

"Yes, the whole school will probably be informed too" I watched her frown while saying it "I don't want everyone to know and pretend they care when they obviously don't" I say almost in a yell. 

"Its going to be hard Rose I'm not going to lie to you, but you will get through it and I will be with you along the way" I smiled at her words "We have training in a few minutes we better get ready" she released her grasp on me and let me get ready. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and throw on my usual training outfit. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, all the tears seemed to have dried, but my eyes were still red and puffy but I didn't look too obvious. 

"Ok let's go." she follows me out the door, this time I knew the right direction.


We were surprisingly one of the first here, so Daisy and I both stood there chatting about the most random stuff until Maya showed up next to me. "Where were you? I was worried!"

I looked down to the floor, took a deep breath but when I opened my mouth to speak Daisy did it for me "She's going through a lot right now" Daisy said to her. I appreciated her concern, but I really hated being pitied as I may have mentioned. Nearly everyone was here right now, aside from Tyler and his friends who are nearly always late. I saw the trainer scanning the room to make sure everyone is here, of course not everyone was here, so he just slouched against the wall again waiting for them to show up.

When they finally did, my eyed were immediately drawn to Tyler's, they usually do. I saw Sam giving me the usual wink, but this time he smiled too. I couldn't help but smile back.

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