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I walked up to the arena, I know I shouldn't be nervous. My father taught me better, but for some reason I couldn't stop my heart from hammering against my rib cage.  It was something about how he looked at me that gave me butterflies. Thats never happened before. As I walked up slowly and stepped inside, Tyler watched my movements carefully. I knew he could tell I was nervous

"No need to be nervous princess, I'll go easy on you no need to worry" he winked at me. I felt rage building up inside me as I clenched my hand into a fist, digging my nails into the palm of my hand. He really thinks I'm weak, I'll show him weak. I took a step closer to him and I was now standing right in front of his muscular body.

"Oh trust me there's no need to go easy on me. It's fine if you do though. It will be much easier to win." I whispered in his ear "And my name isn't princess, it's Rose" I said a bit louder this time.

I tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm and spun me round and I let out a silent groan, which I'm sure he heard. He really had to grab me in that spot. It was a massive burn I had gotten when my father held my arm over the fire. The redness was slowly starting to fade as well, of course now I'm guessing it's not going to heal as fast as I thought it would since Tyler grabbed it.

I remember my father would always make sure to hit me in the same spot every time to make it hurt more. Vile memories that I had promised myself I would bury came rushing back to me. Stupid, stupid. Why was it so hard for me to just forget? Sometimes I wish I could just...forget.

I saw Tyler's mouth open as if he was going to say anything but hearing my groan his gaze immediately left my eyes and averted down to my arm. His expression quickly changed from completely emotionless to angry. I saw his eyebrows crease as he just stared.

After a few seconds he looked back up at me. "Who?" he asked looking at me with his gorgeous green eyes. What was I saying? I didn't even like him.

"Who what?" I replied not trying to hide the shock in my tone.

"Who did this to you?" he then asked. A cold look plastered on his face. He looked like he was ready to murder someone. Why did he actually seem concerned?

"Why do you even think that someone did this, I could of done it to myself by accident" I said returning him the cold stare.

"Because I saw your face when I asked who it was" he said

"Why do you even care anyway" I said

"I'm not going to ask again Rose...who the fuck did that to your arm!?" he said louder this time, trying to hide the anger he was feeling.

Instead of replying I turned back round and walked away from him. "Please can you start the fight?" I asked the ref desperately. To my surprise the ref just turned away to grab something by the looks of it. I saw that he was now holding two long steel swords.

"Today we're adding a little twist to our usual fight. You will be allowed to use swords, the first to disarm their opponent wins" he then said

I looked back at Tyler who went back to his emotionless stare. I quickly looked away from him, not able to make eye contact. I scanned the area for Daisy, I found her next to Maya. They were cheering my name but I could tell they were worried for me and honestly I didn't blame them, Tyler was merciless.

I always played mini tournaments with my siblings, we all loved sword fighting. But my specialty was knife throwing and I'm pretty good with a bow. I've always had good aim. And even though Greyson excels in everything he does, sword fighting was always his and Axels favourite. I smiled at the thought of Greyson being happy. Now, it doesn't seem like he gets excited about anything. Well he might but he doesn't show it.

The man who was standing outside the arena was now walking towards me  handing me the sword. I took the sword out of his hand and gripped onto the sword tight trying to take in the pleasure of holding a sword again. I hadn't held a sword in what felt like ages, I'm happy to be able to use one again. Unfortunately I imaged the scenario being a bit better than having to fight someone like Tyler.

The man then walked over to Tyler and gave him the sword, he smirked as he held the sword while spinning it round in his hand as if he was inspecting it. I just found myself staring, he really was perfect looks wise, his personality could use some work. I chuckled a bit to myself and quickly looked away. He didn't seem to have caught me staring, he was too distracted with the sword he was holding.

"3,2,1 fight!" the man the yelled. I gripped my sword again, so tight it turned my knuckles white. I charged at him, sword in hand but he dodged my attack with no problem. Just as I thought. Him dodging the attack is the moment he is most vulnerable, I could use that to my advantage. I charged at him a second time and once again he dodged it. This idiot wasn't even trying. This time when he dodged it I came from behind him and slashed the sword against his shoulder. 

He quickly turned round and jabbed the full length blade into the outside of my leg slightly, shocking me a little. How did he move so fast? I didn't even get a chance to react as he pinned me against the wall of the arena. "That was too easy" he said with a sigh. I wasn't even trying but if he wants to play that game then so be it. While he was distracted by me, I spun him round and now he was pinned against the wall.

I held my sword to his neck and pulled myself closer toward him so that he couldn't move

"You give yourself way too much credit" I said to him

"Do I really" he said looking down. He was holding the blade in between my legs

"You see I would have killed you before you even got the chance to kill me, I knew exactly what you were going to do" he said smiling a little

I tried lowering my sword so that I could push his sword away, but he grabbed my unburned arm and yanked me down. He was now the one holding the sword to my throat

"I think the credit is well deserved" he then said while holding my free arm down.

"Oh really?" I said

He looked down to see that I was now the one holding the sword between his legs. He looked back up at me and I smirked a bit. I kicked him hard and stood back up, sword in hand. He moved closer to me and lifted his sword up and swung it down toward me but I managed to put my sword in the way at the last second. I then swung my sword at him and he dodged it by moving his body down with his sword. We then both swung out swords at each other and we both managed to push the swords away making our bodies move closer to each other. We both laughed as we both pulled away.

We continued this until the ref finally told us to stop. "Since none of you were able to disarm your opponent we'll just call it a draw" he called out to us.

I let out a sigh of relief. 

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