Now everyone knows

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Nick had planned a whole school gathering today and a funeral in the evening. I didn't get any sleep at all last night, I didn't want to. I have no idea how I'm going to get through today, I'm a mess. Looking in the mirror I didn't recognise myself. "Rose, come on we need to get ready" Maya called to me from her side of the room.

Maya had arrived sometime this morning I wasn't sure when. Both her and Daisy got me food as well because I really couldn't stand anyone today. "She's right Nick wants everyone down soon" Daisy pulled me out of bed but i just flopped on the floor the second I was out of bed. "Come on" she was dragging me across the floor now. I just let out a loud groan and finally stood up "Fine" I say in defeat.

I was going to search through my wardrobe for some clothes but I saw that Daisy had already picked for me. On the bed lay a beautiful flowery dress. She knew how much I hate dresses. "Seriously" I raise an eyebrow at her but she just smiles at me in return "oh come on you can't just dress boring forever"

I really didn't have the energy to complain so I just go to the bathroom and throw on the dress. I brush my hair to avoid looking like a lion and put on some mascara. I leave the bathroom only to be greeted by wide smiles by both Daisy and Maya "You look great Rose dresses really do suit you, you should wear them more often" Maya says

"Agreed." Daisy pulls me to the door and we all leave.


When we got to the massive hall it was extremely crowded, there were people everywhere. All I saw was just a bunch of heads walking around trying to find a seat. "This is one of those times when I hate being so short" I pout. I get on my hands and knees and gesture Daisy and Maya to follow me. They seem hesitant at first but then give in and follow. I crawl in between so many legs I lose count. This may seem weird to some, but when you're as short as I am you go to desperate measures. My plan had clearly worked because we got good seats near the front of the hall. "I'm never doing that again" I hear Daisy complain. "Sure at least we got ok seats" I shrug and finally sit down.

It took a while but eventually everyone settled down, luckily the person in front of me wasn't too tall so I could still see past their massive head. Daisy wasn't as lucky, she sat behind an extremely tall guy with a head too big for his body. She kept moving around like a lunatic trying to see, her head even bumped mine in some occasions.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder I turned round and saw Sam sitting directly behind me next to Tyler and Andrew. "Hey Rose, lucky seat for me" he winks and sits back down. "And why is that?" I ask. And why am I so clueless al the time, I'll never know.

"Well you're really short so I can see past you and I just like being around you so that's a plus"

At his words I felt my face heating up I just know I was blushing like a freaking tomato. He smiles at that "you're cute when you blush" he comes up to me and whispers into my ear just like Tyler once did. Ugh why am I thinking of Tyler now? Brain stop it.

Speaking of Tyler he looked like he was about to explode, he was talking to Andrew about something to distract himself but I could tell he was on the brink of killing something. His fingers were curled up into a fist, his jaw was clenched. He hasn't even seen him look in my direction once, instead he kept his gaze fixed on Sam as he sat back down. I even saw him sneaking angry glances at him every now and then. What the hell was his problem?

Nick had finally walked in. He stood in the huge empty space at the front of the hall. He spent a short moment in silence before he finally began speaking.
"I am sure you are wondering why I gathered you all here today" he stops and sighs before continuing "You are all here because I think you deserve to know about something that happened recently that can possibly lead to more tragedies"

"A few days ago our fellow student, brother and friend was murdered. His name was Aidan Angelo"
I heard gasps and random whispering from around the room. I couldn't help but stop the tears forming in my eyes. I looked down to avoid the stares that I know were on me and my siblings. I felt a single tear fall down onto my cheek, in times like these I don't feel ashamed for crying. I felt two arms round my shoulder that I know were Maya and Daisy trying to comfort me.

"Classes will be cancelled for the day. Anyone who decides to come to his funeral is more than welcome to. We need to understand this possible new threat and learn from it. For now it is all we can do."

The whole hall was in silence, no one was ready to talk. Although it was into silent for a few seconds before it flooded with chatter, I even heard some cries. I couldn't focus, I couldn't react I couldn't even move. All I heard after that was a loud ringing in my ears. I stumbled out of my seat desperate to get out of this damn room. Somehow I managed to make out someone calling out something to me but I just ignored it. I walked out and ran to my room.

I tried keeping it together I really did, it was almost impossible. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt the tear fall on to my cheek. As soon as I got to the room I started searching through my clothes for black clothes which wasn't hard because nearly all of my clothes were black. I  was going to wear a plain black hoodie but Daisy's voice telling me to stop dressing boring all the time was haunting me. I looked through Daisy's wardrobe and found a nice black dress and I even threw on a blazer too. I'm not a fashion expert but this could work.

I face planted on to my pillow and groaned. What an idiot I am. I layer there for a bit before reaching for my journal that was under my pillow.

I haven't written in this journal for a while now, just for an update today is Aidan's funeral. I honestly don't know how I'm going to keep it together. I might even do a speech, I'm thinking about it I really am. A part of me is scared although I know I probably shouldn't be. Nick did an assembly to talk about it earlier today, I left before he could finish but it was as expected. Anyways, the nightmares haven't stopped. I still dream of  the same things, I either dream of Aidan, my father,  or...well it's hard to explain. I get these weird dreams of  a boy playing with this girl at the park. It's odd because it doesn't feel like how a dream should feel. I'm not sure how a dream should feel like but this dream feels less like a dream and more like it's my mind trying to tell me something. This probably sounds stupid, it is stupid. Maybe I'm just going crazy. That's always a possibility.

I shut my journal just in time because Maya and Daisy both stormed into the room "Are you okay? We were so worried" Daisy said in between breaths. "I'm fine don't worry I'm just getting dressed for the um- the funeral" I reassured. Although I really don't know if I'm fine or not. So technically I'm not lying if I don't know if it's true myself.

I'm confusing myself even more now.

"Ok...well in that case we should get ready too. I'll see you there I need to go to my room to get changed. It starts in an hour" with that Maya left.

Nick said we don't need to worry about paying for anything, which was nice of him but then again I know it's just out of pity.

I watched Daisy get ready for the next few minutes and by a few minutes I mean around half an hour maybe even more. I don't even understand what there really was to get ready for. It's a funeral for god's sake.

Daisy looked stunning as always and when she had finally finished she sat next to me on the bed "It's gonna be alright, if anything happens I'll be right here with you" she whispered and pulled me in to her shoulder. We stayed there for a bit before we both left.

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