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The funeral took place behind the school. It was surprisingly well decorated, and by well decorated I mean there was so much black my eyes were starting to hurt. We didn't even have to pay for anything, have I mentioned that?

There was a massive stage at the front, the coffin was there too. I didn't even want to look on the inside although they'll probably open it anyway. I quickly found Nick who was standing in the centre of the stage.  "Nick!" I try to get his attention, he turns round to me

"I was just wondering if I could give a speech?" I ask

"Of course Rose, again I'm sorry for your loss" Instead of replying I just nod and walked off to Greyson and Axel who were easier to find since they were taller than everyone else. There were actually quite a lot of people here that I didn't recognise. I'm not sure if Aidan would want this but who am I to judge?

"Hey Rose how are you doing?" Axel asks me

"Fine." I say not even convincing myself

I know Greyson knew I was lying, his wondering glare gave it away "You don't have to lie, you don't have to be fine you know that right?" his voice was dominant just like it always was. It's probably why all of my brothers look up to him and listen to him. He was empowering.

"I'm not lying."

Oh who am I kidding of course I'm lying.

"Always so stubborn" Greyson rolled his eyes and I just give him a sarcastic smile and leave them. Where were Claire and Ashton? I started wandering around in search for them but was instantly met with a hard surface. An extremely hard surface, that actually hurt my head. I looked up to see a pair of beautiful pale green eyes. They widened at seeing me, they almost looked...concerned.

I instantly recognised it as Tyler "You are everywhere" I scowl

"I'm sorry my presence annoys you that much but unfortunately there's nothing you can do to get rid of me" he winks. Asshole.

"Rose I-" he was about to say something but Nick had already started speaking. "Aidan Angelo, was a kind, loving member of our school. Before I say anything I would like to apologise to his family and close friends. I'm so sorry for your loss." I didn't listen to the rest of what he was saying, I just sort of zoned out. Again.

I just got lost in my own thought, thinking this much actually made me realise I had completely forgotten about that deal. I needed to tell my siblings before it's too late. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by someone calling my name. "Rose, Nick is calling you up" Tyler said finally seeing I was paying attention.

I nodded and tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. We were now close enough I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. He carefully moved a piece of hair away from my face "You'll be okay, I know how you feel so I'm not going to try to pity you because I know you don't need it. But if you need someone, anyone. Even if you hate me I'll be here" I just stood there completely frozen, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to respond to that.

He let out a slight chuckle of amusement "I know I tend to have that affect on people, but you should probably go before Nick loses his patience" I snap back to reality and walk off on to the stage where Nick was standing.

The coffin was open now, and there Aidan lay. The sight of him like this brought tears to my eyes.

He didn't deserve this.

White fabric lining surrounded him. He almost sunk into it. I took one last glance at him and let out a quiet sigh before standing in the centre of the stage, gripping the microphone that was set up so hard my knuckles turned white.

I had planned the speech in my head multiple times but everything I planned had just disappeared from my memory. I looked around to lot's of unfamiliar faces until I finally spotted Ashton and Claire who were now standing next to Greyson and Axel. Ashton gave me a weak smile, Claire had her arm around his shoulder. She smiled too.

Greyson just had his same emotionless expression as always, Axel wasn't even trying to hide his concern. I scanned the area again and found Tyler, he gave me an encouraging nod. Sam appeared next to him, Andrew I saw was now walking towards him. Of course he tripped on the way but quickly stood back up as if nothing happened. That made me chuckle a bit.

Maya and Daisy were standing somewhere across from them, I saw Daisy mouth the words "You can do it" I nodded in response which brought a smile to her face.

I completely scrapped my plan and just began to say whatever came to my mind.
"Aidan as most of you know by now is my brother." I started "But I didn't just love him as a brother. I loved him as a best friend"

I felt my vision start to blur but I just began to blink the tears away. "I remember his stupid jokes that I used to hate but now I would do anything to hear his voice again"

I let out a silent shriek of pain before continuing "The truth is I watched him and also my unc-" I clear my throat to how fully correct my mistake "My parents"

I heard gasps from all around but I just ignored it "Whenever I close my eyes I see them. I see the blood...the bodies and it is killing me" I sniffle "Aidan didn't get enough time to live. He didn't deserve to die this soon and the way he did"

"We were-" I stopped. For some reason the words just wouldn't come out. A loud sob escapes my mouth which I quickly cover with my mouth.

I see someone shove through the crowd of people and run on to the stage next to me. Tyler. He was now next to me, he lifted up my chin to face him and rubbed the tears away with his thumb. "Listen I know you hate me but you've got this, it may not seem like it now, but you have to try, I'll be right here I promise I won't leave." He whispered into my ear.

I sunk my head into his chest and let out all of the sobs I had left in me. He held the back of my head pulling me closer towards him "I don't want to say anything else, I can't I thought I could but I can't" I choke out

"It's fine Rosie, just tell me what you want to say" I don't say anything in response honestly because I didn't know what to say. He just sighs and continues to hold me as he speaks.

"Aidan deserves much more than he got, the people who killed him deserve to die. I will find them and when I do I will give them a punishment worse than death." I finally look up at him to see the corner of his mouth lift into a smirk.

It's okay to laugh, I cringed writing this😂

Anyways, I'm introducing a new character soon sooo yeah I hope you enjoyed this chapter thank you so much

Also I'm thinking of making a POV for one of the other characters, any suggestions for who?

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