You are my weakness

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"Drink it, and I'll spare him." My father says

"Lets just get this over with" I sigh and hold out my very shaky hand.

"Give her the cure" Tyler demands

"You know I don't like how demanding you are, you know it could cost you your life" my father shrugs 

"Oh please, we both know I don't care about that. I care about her"

Despite the pain I was in, at hearing that I felt something in my heart soften. It some how brought me comfort even in the worst of situations. 

"Didn't your father teach you about weaknesses, how dangerous they can be. I would of thought he would burned it into your mind. Quite literally. "

Tyler was giving my father the deadliest most intimidating look I had ever seen.

But to my surprise he didn't try to escape the strong grip on him. I was sure he would at least try.

And he was giving me a lecture about not caring for my own life when he didn't value his at all.

I don't think he ever did.

"And what exactly did he teach you?"

"Don't trust" he says under his breath "Lot's of things that isn't any off your business"

"Bit rude considering if it weren't for me he wouldn't have even taken you in" 

Tyler just gives him a blank stare in return, but he didn't fool anyone

He wanted to know more.

 "Yes and I'm sure you'll tell me all about it after you give her the cure. I would prefer her to not be in pain."

He nods to Sam and when Sam comes closer to me and grabs my jaw, I don't even have the energy to fight back. 

"Be gentle you prick" Tyler scowls

I feel Sam freeze up again before he pours it down my throat. 

At first it felt more like a burning liquid travelling down my throat, soothing the pain I felt all over.

Then I felt absolutely nothing.


"Isn't it great, a two in one!" I heard my father say 

"What do you mean?" I choke out

He gestures to red blood now flooding out of my arm. "You should probably go bandage that up" 

My jaw fell, what the actual hell?

He knew this would happen.

Who am I kidding, of course he bloody did.

I see Tyler's body relax a bit. "now spit it out" Tyler snarks 

Bearing in mind the gun was still painted directly at Tyler's head.

"Drop the gun" I demand 

"Would you prefer I make them hold it at your head?" He asks

"It's okay Rosie" Tyler reassures 

"I never liked your father, he didn't particularly like me either. Call us rivals but he despised me. He was even one of the reasons the war started." he starts trailing across the room

"We were actually friends once, until he screwed me over. I showed him you. When our rivalry began he wanted to make you a soldier, a weapon some may say. That's why when you met we couldn't have you two having anything to do with each other . That would be a weakness on both sides" he sighs "But I guess you met again anyway"

"So what, you couldn't afford us being each other's weakness because it affects you so you mess with our minds and erase our memories of each other?" 

"We can't afford anything going wrong" 

"So what, are you going to do it again?" Tyler asks

"No need" he smirks

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask 

I was interrupted by what sounded like a stampede and someone bursting through the door.

"Where the fuck is she!" I hear a familiar husky voice yell followed by a lot more footsteps


How had they found me?

My father snapped his gaze to them and so did that person holding onto Tyler.

While he wasn't looking, Tyler threw his head back hitting the guy right in the centre of his face. he groans and lets go him. He runs straight towards me and helps me to my feet. 

I look to Greyson who was already heading to my father. Axel, Claire and Ashton were fighting off some other guys wearing masks.

The same masks with the same red stripe.

Greyson pins him against the wall "You really think you can take her and expect us not to find her?" he scowls "You will fucking burn for laying a hand on her. You don't deserve death you sick bastard" he growls and slams him against the wall even more.

"You won't kill me, or you won't find your precious answers" he grins, black blood covering his teeth 

"You're right, maybe I won't kill you. But I can show you pain, because that's what happens when you mess with my fucking sister. I will destroy you."

"You're afraid Greyson? You're afraid, don't deny it" he chuckles 

"You have no idea what you're saying, I think the fumes from your little experiments got to your head" 

"You're afraid of what you've become. You're just like me. Son." 

Greyson stares at him blankly for only a moment before his fist collided with his jaw. Again and again. 

Before I knew it he had shoved him to the ground, continuously punching him and kicking him, he looked like a completely different person.


He was completely fuelled by anger.

"Grey stop it!" I yell, trying to get to him but a pair of strong arms grab me and pull me back "Let me go, I need to stop it!" I protest

"Its already being handled, you've been through enough" Tyler tells me and wraps his arms around me stronger. 

Axel grabs him and yanks him back "You're killing him Grey, cut it out!" 

Greyson turns to him, his eyes still flickering with the anger that it had in them.

Claire and Ashton ran to him too "Snap out of it!" Ashton yell at him harshly to get his attention

"Greyson!" Claire pulls on his arm and turns him so that he was facing them.

He kept turning away. 

"Grey please" I say and he snaps his gaze to me. For a moment, the anger remained. 

But it all disappeared in a matter or seconds.

He immediately looks back to our father on the ground, covered in a pool of his own blood. But still conscious. 

 "Haven't you taken enough from me?" he says under his breath before we all left. Tyler standing by my side the whole time.

Sam had disappeared.

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