Chapter 5

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Sorry for
Taking a while I'm
Going through some
Stuff but I'm trying to keep my
Promise of updating at least ONE of my books once a week.
I never promise WHICH book though.

Anyway if you wanna learn more to
To my "past and present" book or my "ninjago oneshots" book and look at the Authors notes.

Anyway enjoy.

Lloyd: So now you want to be my dad?

Garmadon: Exactly, he only acts that way when he needs something.

Garmadon: I'm not going to ask you again, Luh-Lloyd. Open the cage, right now. One! Two! Three! ...Hm. I thought that was supposed to work with kids. Listen, Luh-Lloyd, and friends whose names I don't know.

Jay: I'm Jay!

Garmadon: It's not a question!

Jay: Oh.

Jay: *facepalms* Really? Just. Really?

Garmadon: Now! For you to make it through this journey alive, you're going to need someone to teach you the ninja way.

Lloyd: What do you know about being a ninja?

Garmadon: Oh, I know plenty, Luh-Lloyd. You don't get to be a warlord without knowing a thing or two about the ninja arts. The dark ninja arts.

(Garmadon hisses and shakes his cage.)

Jay: Aargh! What is that?

Kai: You're a ninja?

Garmadon: Indeed I am. As a matter of fact, I wrote the book on Ninjelligence.

Jay: Why are there so many one-star reviews?

Garmadon: I think that's trolls, personally.

Wu: I feel like this movie was made to be more modern.

Kai: Your just NOW realizing that?

Wu: *holds up staff*

Kai: *shuts up*

Jay: Oh.

Lloyd: We don't need your book, Garmadon. Wu is our master.

*garmadon flinched. This version of Lloyd wasn't his, but in his eyes all versions of his son mattered and it broke his heart to hear such hatred in his name by his child*

Garmadon: Well, Wu is gone. And you're gonna need me to get you out of this jungle, or you're all going to die.

Jay: Oh, great! We're all going to die.

Lloyd: We're not going to die, Jay.

Jay: I'm NOT that scared!

Cole: I don't knowwww-

Jay: Shut it NOW.

Clouse: *face palms*

Garmadon: And while I'm keeping you alive, maybe I'll teach you some of my sick dark ninja moves. 'The Buzzkill'!

Ninja: Wow!

Garmadon: 'The Miso Slap'!

Ninja: Wow!

Garmadon: Or 'The Chainsaw Chop'!

Ninja: Wow!

Garmadon: Or 'The Dance of Doom'!

Ninja: Wow!

*cole just stared blankly and Lloyd didn't care*

Zane: This is very inaccurate

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