Chapter 2

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Okay now for THIS chapter it's all original work
Except I borrowed some ocs from other fanfics
And blah blah

Okay everyone!
You only saw the first part of this movie!
I'm inviting more people!

*a bunch of people then appear*

Ivy: Wha...?

Keda: Um Cole what's going on?

Lorie: *holding morro's hand* Papa what happened?

Morro: Uh Lloyd what's going on?

Clouse; And why are we here?

*explanations are said*

Morro: this is so crazy....

(Liz to clear things up this is BEFORE they learned of the crossovers)

(The Ninja arrive back at the warehouse.)

Cole: Lloyd!

Lloyd: Yeah?

Cole: That's your dad. You were open, man.

Zane: It was highly poignant!

Zane: That was very harsh it must be hard to have to battle your own father,

Clouse: I agree that's a bit insensitive....

Jay: For me, it's easy to fight him because he's like, not my father... But for you, that must be so complicated.

Lloyd: Not... that complicated.

Lloyd: Lying to yourself...

Kai: *raises an eyebrow* don't you do that often too?

Lloyd: Nevermind....

Nya: You also really pulled at my heartstrings, man. I felt... for you.

Lloyd: With the- with the missiles?

Nya: Nah, with the other- the other stuff.

Lloyd: The other stuff. Wh- I don't-

Nya: The dad- the dad stuff.

Lloyd: Yeah, but like exactly what are you referring to...?

Zane: Watching you and your father.

Cole: The vulnerability.

Jay: You got so emotional!

Jay: Agreed.

Lloyd: Would you stop?! You act like that's actually me!

Morro: Well babe you acted like that too

Lloyd: Yeah but I also tried to SAVE my father because it wasn't his fault!

Garmadon: You always did have a kind heart son...

Lloyd: Emotion- emotions were the last thing that were- that was going on out there.

Nya: Uh, yeah.

Cole: Mhm.

Nya: It's okay, Lloyd. Nobody's parents are perfect.

Jay: I mean, my mom is weird and collects seashells. Your dad levels cities and attacks innocent people. So. They've all got their quirks, you know?

Jay: *deadpans* Really....

Cole: Geez other you is really awkward,

Nya: *holds jay's hand smiling at him*

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