Chapter 9

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Jay: Lloyd! Come on! We gotta get out of here!

(Lloyd and the other Ninja run to the vehicle as Generals chase after them.)

Zane: Guys, we have to go! Hurry! Hurry!

Lloyd: We get it zane

Zane: You do remember that's not really me, right?

(The Ninja start up the vehicle, now with the propeller attached.)

Lloyd: Come on! Let's get moving.

Garmadon: Come on, everybody. Let's go.

(The vehicle flies up and away from the Generals.)

Nya: I can't believe it worked!

Garmadon: Temple, here we come!

(The Ninja fly above the clouds.)

Garmadon: Hey, Luh-Lloyd,

Lloyd: For crying out loud can he PLEASE say the name right!

Garmadon: look- let me show you how to fly this thing. Hands ten and two.

Lloyd: (laughs) I build and drive mechs all the time, I think I'm good.

Garmadon: Oh, okay, yeah, you're... probably right, and... (sighs)

(Lloyd notices Garmadon looking sad.)

Lloyd: Um... What, uh- what- wh- what were you saying? Ten and...?

Garmadon: Oh! Two! Two.

Lloyd: Two! Two...

Garmadon: Yes, ten and two.

Lloyd: Okay. Alright, alright.

Garmadon: *thinking* I can't even say anything about that...I probably act the same way sometimes..

Garmadon: It's kind of a rule of thumb in driving.

Lloyd: It's good to know. Good to know.

Garmadon: And don't forget to check your rear view. You wanna see what's back there. You've got blind spots everywhere in this thing.

Lloyd: Rear view check!

Garmadon: Keep your eyes peeled. You really want to be looking ahead.

Lloyd: (laughs) Noted. Thank you. You want me to really open this thing up?

Garmadon: Sure! Yeah, let's see what it can do.

Lloyd: Okay!

(The vehicle shoots forward super fast.)


Cole: Yeahhh!

Jay: Whooo!

Kai: Wahoooo!

Garmadon: AAAAARGHHH!! Okay, that's enough! That's too fast!

*everyone laughed*

Clouse: Hey see? This movie isn't so bad..

(Lloyd slows down again.)

Lloyd: You didn't like that?

Garmadon: I mean, I liked it. If I was driving, I'd be fine with it.

Lloyd: Sure, sure. I felt a little scared. Were you scared?

Garmadon: Uh, yeah! I'm not gonna lie, I might need a change of armour.

*everyone (except Garmadon) laughed harder*

Garmadon: *facepalms*

(Lloyd laughs.)

Garmadon: Yeah, I want you to guard the brake a little bit. Let's-

Lloyd: Okay, okay, got it! Got it.

Garmadon: There you go. You're doing great buddy! Doing great. This is going real- GOAT!

(A mountain reaches above the clouds with a goat standing on the top. The goat screams as Lloyd approaches.)

Garmadon: Goat goat goat goat goat! Aaargh!

(Lloyd swerves but crashes into the mountain. The vehicle spins and drops out of the sky. It skids across the ground and the Ninja jump off before it drops off the edge of a cliff.)

Lloyd: Is everyone okay?

Jay: Not really.

(The Ninja gasp as they look up at the temple.)

Garmadon: Behold. The Temple of Fragile Foundations.

Wu: It's...interesting?

(The Ninja cry out as the ground shakes.)

Garmadon: The helicopter crash destabilised the entire area. And I'm not blaming anyone, but if I ever see that goat again, he and I are going to have words. And you can bet some of those words are going to have four letters, and I'm not talking about goat.

Nya: Give us the first letter.

(The Ninja start to climb the stairs up towards the temple.)

Jay: This is my new least favourite place I've ever been.

Jay: For once I agree with you other me....

Kai: What about-

Jay: Okay okay! We've been to worse places.

Garmadon: I've spent a lot of time here. And trust me. Doesn't get any better.

Lloyd: Wait a minute. So... you know this place?

Garmadon: Who doesn't know...

(Garmadon kicks dust off the welcome mat reading 'The Garmadons'.)

Garmadon: ...their childhood home?

(The Ninja gasp.)

Garmadon: Huh. That's different

Wu: We grew up at the monastery

Garmadon: Yeah. This place is so unstable, I had to move to a volcano just to feel safe.

Garmadon: *feels a bit of sympathy* I suppose that makes sense. A lot of people want something that reminds them of home... *he brushes his hand against his kimono which had once belonged to his father when he was younger*

(Garmadon grabs a key from under the mat.)

Garmadon: Well? Shall we?

(Garmadon unlocks the door and they enter the dark hall.)

Jay: Let's see where this goes...

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