Chapter 12 end of movie

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(In Ninjago City, the citizens are evacuating as Meowthra continues to destroy everything.)

Citizen 1: This cat is destroying everything!

Kai: we can see that

Citizen 2: Where are the ninjas when we need them?

Cole: Hey!

Citizen 3: We have to evacuate!

Citizen 4: Run! Run!

Garmadon: Hey, Ninjago! Garmadon's back! Generals! Stop anyone that gets in my way.

Garmadon; *sighs*

Angler fish General: Yes, sir.

Shark General: Whoa, it's the Destiny's Bounty! I've always wanted to shoot at it! Attack!

Lloyd: This is a disaster!

Intercom: Alpha team, on it!

Wu: We have company! Hold on tight!

(The Bounty loops around and flies under a bridge.)

Shark General: Hey, where'd they go?

Lloyd: Alright, ninjas! Follow me!

(The Ninja jump down and suit up.)

Ninja: Ninjaaa GO!

Jay: Welp at least THAT sort of stayed the same

Lloyd: Nya, we need to get to Garmadon and that cat, fast!

Nya: You got it!

(Garmadon lands near Meowthra.)

Garmadon: Alright, you beast. Get ready to feel the wrath of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon.

Garmadon: This isn't going to end well

Jay: You just now realizing?

Garmadon: *glares sternly*

(Some of Garmadon's forces descend on the Ninja.)

Kai: Here they come!

Nya: Come on, let's go!

Lloyd: Follow Nya!

Nya: Yeah follow me!

Jay: *sighs lovingly* any day

Kai: *rolls eyes*

(The Ninja jump off the bridge and land on Nya's arms, who carries them across the water. Meanwhile, Meowthra mews at Garmadon who laughs and throws a piece at her.)

Garmadon: Take that!

(Meowthra just mews again.)

Garmadon: Gh- what?

Garmadon: It's not that simple!

(The Ninja encounter more soldiers.)

Lloyd: Zane, freeze these guys out!

Zane: Copy.

(Zane creates a wall of ice.)

Lloyd: Kai, make a smokescreen!

Kai: Yeah, baby! F-f-fuego!

Kai: No it's "fiyaaaa"

(Kai melts the ice, creating a mist.)

Shark Soldier 1: Where'd they go?

Shark Soldier 2: I can't see them anywhere!

(Garmadon is still confused by the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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