Chapter 3

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I hope this gets as much love as "Goddess of Pop". I'm really excited for this spin-off. The updates depend on my brain and I'm  excited to write this. I don't know how long will the story be but we'll see. Just a heads up, the supernaturals call the fairies "fae" but they (the fairies) don't referred to themselves as thus. Enjoy!!

The next day, Meryl was preparing things in her office. She tried hard to hide to her family that she was going away for some time. Her plan was to be gone for a week which would mean longer for her. The time between the supernatural realm and human realm moved slightly closer together in difference than with the mystic realm. Meryl hoped to be done earlier than that. She had a meeting with her coven in a few hours to tell them of the situation. The high priestess had granted her an audience since she hasn't seen her in person in a long time. Johnny has still not given her any news on his so called contacts and that worried her. Afraid something had happened or he had gotten sidetracked. Don, Louisa and Grace were the only ones in the house today. She had to find something to tell her family that wouldn't give her away. At the same time she had to hint part of the truth in case of an emergency. Meryl had called them into the living room after she finished packing. Don had questioned her about it but told him to wait until they were all seated.

"Alright guys, I have to go away for a while. It will only be a few days, maybe a bit longer" Meryl said

"Where are you going?" Don asked

She thought for a moment "I'm working on a project with Johnny Depp and we need to meet on location" was the first thing she said that came to mind

"Oh that's so cool, you have worked with him only once. It's nice that you're doing it again" Grace said, Meryl nodded

"This might sound weird but if something strange were to happen call Cher and she will send Elijah here" she said cautiously

"That's oddly specific" Louisa remarks

"Don't question it and just do it" Meryl said sounding serious which took the three by surprise "I just want you all to be safe" she said calmly

"We'll be ok" Don reassured her giving her a warm smile which she returned "Well, I better go and head to the meeting I told you about" he stood up, kissed his wife and grabbed his keys before walking out

"I love you" Meryl called out to him, seeing him smile before closing the door then turned to the girls "What are you going to do today girls?" She asked

"Don't know, might go to visit Mamie later" Louisa said

"I have a photo shoot in a few hours" said Grace

"That's wonderful, don't come home late please. I don't want Barnaby to stay alone for too long" she said looking at the dobermann sitting at the floor below them. He rested his head on Meryls leg as she pet him. She stood up brushing dog hair off her "I'm gonna finish packing, come boy" she called walking out the room with him following

Meryl went to her room, walked to her closet and took out a trunk. It was purple, made of leather with a black lock in the middle. She opened it and started rummaging through it. There were various weapons, potions, herbs, and books. There were also two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes. Everything a witch needed was in this trunk. She found what she was looking for a gestured her familiar to come to her.

"Alright Barnaby, you know what to do. If something happens, you come straight to me after letting Warleen know alright?" She said, Barnaby gave a small bark in response letting her know he understood. He then gave a quiet whimper "Don't worry, everything will be alright. I'm gonna be ok, I promise. Just keep the family safe" she placed a kiss on his forehead then joined hers in his. Barnaby glowed a faint yellow, passing it to her in the process. Meryl smiled feeling his strength being passed on to her. He stopped glowing and launched himself into her, licking her face. Meryl hugged him back "Thank you, I really needed it" Meryl shrunk her trunk to put in her pocket before going to get her luggage.

Saying goodbye to the girls, she stepped outside as if she were to leave. Instead, she popped back into her office as quiet as possible. Going to her bookcase, she touched a collection of books in a certain order. Meryl went through and found herself in another room. Already transformed in her white coven robes. She was in an old dimly lit library, The room was pretty old, lighted with candles all around. The structure was well designed and very well preserved. It had three tables in the middle, two flights of stairs that led to other rooms and instead of walls were shelves full of books and scrolls. Those books were staggered by category in different shapes and sizes. She smiled as she saw another woman in the same robes as her sitting in one of the tables reading. This witch was slightly shorter than her, skin as yellow as the old parchments that graced the shelves, rosy cheeks and bright red lips. Her chestnut hair with only a few grays was cut straight down to her shoulders. She was only a century older than Meryl but had conserved herself very slightly young. Her eyes were a blue color, full of light and glee. Once the witch noticed her presence, her eyes lit up in excitement giving away a bright smile.

"Mary!!" She exclaimed getting up and running towards her. The woman was as outgoing as Meryl. Carefree and sometimes careless but still disciplined when required. Just as powerful as the others but she knew when to hold back.
(A/N: she's based after grandma Aggie from the Halloweentown series)

"Demetria!!" Meryl called back receiving the woman in her arms welcoming the warm hug

"Gracious Luna, I haven't seen you literally in ages. I heard you were part of the fae war. You met all three goddesses, how did you manage that?!! I heard about your brother and I'm sorry you had to do that" she said sadly at the end "Astoria was concerned about you. Delilah couldn't keep her mouth shut about it. As for Cassandra, she was appalled of course, you know how prejudice she is. Couldn't believe you would work with them" Demetria rolled her eyes and took a breath

"And you?" Meryl interrupted giggling

Demetria sighed but smiled "I was scared something would happen to you. I don't mind that you're friends with the fae. I support you, I was just..." she paused before collecting her thoughts "Mary, you know you're like a sister to me, a real sister, not only a coven sister. No matter how long we go without seeing each other. I just don't know what I would do if something were to happen to you"

"I know but the important thing is that I'm here. I am so sorry for disappearing for so long, I know we haven't seen each other in almost a century. The mortal world is just so fascinating, I got caught up in it. I still kept in contact with Astoria though. Not that I had a choice, though I have learned a lot and gained a lot more in my time in the mortal realm than I could've imagine" Meryl said

"Oh don't worry about not reaching out. I understand and I'm happy for you. You have to tell me everything!!" Demetria said eagerly, both women giggled

"Mary welcome back" a voice interrupted. The high priestess of the coven was the most elegant witch. The most powerful of them all but not the most powerful of the realm. Her white robes flowed with her as she walked. She had straight long white hair covered with the robes cap. She was slightly pale and wrinkled, a signal she was century's old and wise. Her oval shaped glasses covered half her sight. Behind them, her eyes were dark green, like a forest at night yet they were soft giving a motherly presence. Her lips wore a dark shade of brown with a welcoming smile.

They looked at the voice "Astoria" Meryl greeted bowing her head "I came as agreed in the message I sent you" Demetria looked at her friend curiously

"Let's start the meetings then, the other sisters are already here" the high priestess announced, nodding the three went to another room.

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