Chapter 11

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Hello!!! So sorry I haven't updated for a while, I'm a bit busy trying to do a lot of things at ones which is not healthy I know but I can't help it. I'm a bit scared that I don't get much engagement in this story and wonder if you're all liking it. It's part of the reason I haven't written, the lack of engagement doesn't have me motivated. Please let me know in the comments if I should improve in any way. If not, I'll discontinue the story. Enjoy this boring chapter in the meantime!!

Everyone looked curious at the witch "Alhena used to belong to the white coven a long time ago" Astoria said

"Used to? What happened?" Delilah asked

"She almost killed me and the entire village" Cassandra said bitterly, the others eyes widened

Alhena rolled her eyes before turning her attention elsewhere "I'm a gray witch, I like to experiment and well, accidents have happen. That's all they have been, accidents" Cassandra huffed

Astoria sighed "She's also a powerful healer and will help us with Mary"

"You can get through to her?" John asked concerned

"I will do everything I can to do so" Alhena replied

"In the meantime, you two must go to the Dark Valley to see if Marietta has more cargo there" Astoria instructed "but be careful, the place is as dangerous as it's name imply"

"Wait a minute, I am not going to Dark Valley without Mary. She's an important part of this and a powerful witch" Demetria protested

"Demetria has a point, I'm not going anywhere without my cousin" John said

Astoria sighed in defeat "Alright, keep searching around town and see if you can find something"

"I'll ask my siblings for an update if they got one" John said

"We should visit Ever and see if he can tell us more about the dust" Delilah suggested

"Good idea, be back at dawn. I'm sure we'll be done by then" Astoria said

The others nodded and they went their separate ways. The three remaining witches went to Mary's room. They had moved her there because Cassandra insisted she didn't trust Alhena inside The Caster. Mary was inside, lying in bed fidgeting.

Alhena looked at her in wonder "Oh my, I can sense a heavy darkness inside her"

"She was hit with a nightmare spell and what I saw inside was a big wall of her worst nightmares surrounding her. It really is a lot of painful thoughts" Cassandra said

"If you can guide me and Astoria through her mind, maybe the both of us together can be powerful enough to overpower it" Alhena suggested

"Let's do it" said Astoria and with that they got to work

After visiting John's siblings, he along with Demetria and Delilah went to see Ever. He was his usual self even after being told what happened to Mary but he still sympathized.

Ever was giving them an overview of what he managed to find "I've managed to do some research on the spells supporting the dust. There are several mind control spells but none as powerful as this one-"

"So you mean you got nothing?" John said exasperated

Ever glared at him "Will you let me finish?!!" He took a deep breath to calm himself "As I was saying, I haven't found a spell as powerful as this one. That is because is not on any book of spells, it's a newly created spell"

They gasped "Marietta doesn't seem smart enough to create any spells" Demetria snorted

"What if she didn't, what if Malek created the spell and she's just using it?" John said

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