No Way Home: A New Story Begins

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Earth 616, Year 2012

Two unusual yet powerful individuals from an entirely different universe has unintentionally entered into another filled with costumed heroes and a search for colorful stones when combined grant the user universal power! Find out their journey now!

"Hey where are we and why are there aliens everywhere!?" Goku exclaims surprised as he looks over at New York City being invaded by the Chitauri army as they pour out from a wormhole with a few individuals fighting them off.

"We're definitely not in our Earth that's for sure, could be possible we're in one of the other universe's Earths but let's focus on helping them out while we're here." Piccolo tells Goku, swiftly decapitating a soldier's head as it's chariot got too close to him.

"Alright, what's the plan?"

"You blast through the wormhole, I'll destroy whatever is keeping it open." Piccolo tells Goku the plan as they fly towards the action, the two smacking away leviathans and Chitauri chariots like mere gnats buzzing around them.

The two depart paths as Goku lands down in the midst of the battleground below and Piccolo flies to the top of Avengers tower where Doctor Slevig looks in shock at the tall green man towering over him.

Piccolo measures the energy emitting from the contraption that's keeping the wormhole open as he waits for Goku's attack. Cap and Thor look over from their battling against the Chitauri soldiers to see a spikey haired man with bright clothing outta nowhere preparing to do something.

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAA!!!" Goku calls out as the swelling ball of blue energy in his hands pours out into a mighty elongating blast of energy that vaporizes every alien pouring outta the wormhole as it flies through space and destroys the Chitauri mothership to atoms, everyone watching completely speechless at the immense power shown by this stranger.

The remaining Chitauri army collapses dead across the city with the mothership no longer active, Goku turning to the ground team with a bright smile and a thumbs up as he chuckles.

"MASENKO!" Piccolo calls out as he extends his hands out over each other and releases a powerful energy blast that eviscerates the tesseract, unknowingly destroying the space stone within it as the portal disappears outta the Earth's sky.

"Wh-Wh-What are you?" Doctor Selvig shakily asks with his mouth agape, Piccolo looking down at the doctor with a stoic look upon his face that gave a unintentional intimidation to himself.

"One of the guys who saved your ass." Piccolo merely replies, his elongated ears picking up something going down and hovers away into the trashed penthouse section of the Stark tower seeing a beaten Loki slowly getting backup after his beat down against Hulk.

He looks over and flinches in fear at the sight of green before realizing this was a completely different green man before him, Loki wasn't sure how to describe it but this strange individual felt more dangerous than Hulk himself.

"So, I'm guessing you're the one behind all this am I right?" Piccolo asks as he stood by the shattered windows with his arms crossed, a simple energy check told Piccolo that Loki wasn't even a threat to himself.

"Aren't you observant?" Loki replies, wiping some blood from his lips as he gets up from the floor, despite his tall height Piccolo still towers over him.

"Have a knack for that." Piccolo gives a smirk, his ears twitch as he looks up to see the Avengers alongside with Goku entering into the room as Loki sighs in defeat.

"Hey Piccolo, found some costumed heroes just like Gohan!" Goku happily tells his Namekian friend, Piccolo rolling his eyes as the heroes apprehend Loki.

"What exactly are you?" Tony asks with a curious look, observing the Namekian till Piccolo sees Hulk standing before him with Piccolo's eyes looking up at the green goliath.

"Hulk never met someone like him." He replies to Piccolo, Piccolo smiling at Hulk and offers his hand out to shake.

"You remind me of a friend we have back from where we come from, you'd probably like him Hulk." Piccolo tells him as Hulk shakes his hand gently.

"Is he strong?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Hulk grins at this, for the first time in his life he was excited to meet someone who was strong like him probably stronger and they weren't gonna try to kill him.

"Man there's definitely lots of potential in you Hulk," Goku tells Hulk with a excited gleam in his eyes. "Honestly it's getting me fired up how strong you could become with enough training."

"Temper your Saiyan desires Goku, we still have to figure out how to get outta this universe." Piccolo sternly reminds his friend, Goku whines as the Avengers look at them perplexed.

"I'm going home, you guys handle this." Clint tells the rest of his team, knowing this was a discussion he didn't need to be a part of right now and walks away.

*Minutes Ago*

"Who are you?" Captain America asks awestruck alongside Thor who was in disbelief at the sheer power Goku has shown off but in his core felt this mysterious man was hiding more power within.

"I'm Son Goku! I don't know exactly where I am but I'm glad to help out against threats on any Earth!" He tells the heroes, the two blondes sensing this man was a kindhearted soul who had no other intentions here.

"Well Son, we really appreciate it." Cap smiles in relief, looking up at the clear sky hoping this was the last time aliens think of invading Earth.

"Agree, always a pleasure to fight amongst mighty warriors." Thor compliments Goku as the two exchange handshakes, Goku perking up as he senses Thor's power. "I'm Thor of Asgard."

"Woah, you got some serious power deep within you Thor!" Goku smiles, it always excites him to meet strong people especially if they're friendly ones.

"Really? You don't say?" Thor replies taken aback but felt rather confident at the idea of being stronger than he thought he was.

"Yeah, although I'm guessing your hammer is part of your power right?" Goku asks as he gestures to Mjolnir.

Before Thor can answer he sees the rest of the team approaching them, each having a handful of questions to ask the Saiyan.

"Oh boy."

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