Day of Fate

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"You won't help us?" Sam asks perplexed as the team all sit together in the lounging area, Piccolo looking out at the window stoic as always.

"No. I'm not here to fight all your battles otherwise what's the use having you around? This is what I've been training you all for and when the time comes the fate of everything is put onto all of you. Thanos's forces are heading our way and you only have a few days to prepare yourselves against them." Piccolo tells them, everyone understanding the situation clearly.

"Where do we start?" Steve asks.

"Wakanda. They're a highly advanced society with enough manpower needed to back everyone up against the army, Kamar-Taj will also be bringing their forces there as well considering the situation puts everyone in danger."

"How many stones he has?" Bruce asks as Piccolo turns around to face them, a serious expression on his face.

"4." Piccolo reveals as the room's mood shifts into uncertainty, not wishing to comprehend how powerful Thanos has become from this immense power.

"Luckily for you I've contacted help for this situation." Piccolo tells them as Ant-Man and The Wasp grow from nowhere, Piccolo raising a eyebrow at Ant-Man but doesn't say anything.

"Hi! I'm Scott!" Ant-Man greets waving his hand at the team, both his and Wasp's helmets deform revealing their faces.

"Sup Tic Tac." Sam replies with a slight smirk.


Goku grits his teeth as he's surrounded by his blazing golden aura that whips hot air across his surroundings, his hair swaying in-and-out of a spikier golden hair color and steel teal eyes. He finally let's out an enraged scream as his energy bursts out from him and unintentionally explodes, causing damage to his surroundings.

He enters Super Saiyan and looks down sadden yet angered at the morid sight of Gamora's limp broken corpse on the cold Vormir ground, his own friend taken from him without anyway to bring her back like in his universe.

He gently lifts her up in his muscular arms while his aura dissipates, nothing but the chill howling wind filling the air barely making the Saiyan barely feel it against his skin. He looks down somber at his friend, wishing he could've done something to prevent her own death understanding he can't save her like he could in his own universe.

"I'm so sorry Gamora, if only I'd known." He quietly tells her, adjusting her in one arm as he uses the other to use instant transmission to teleport back to Earth after locking on to Piccolo's ki.

Goku appears in the blink of an eye in front of everyone at the Avengers meeting, everyone aghast at Goku holding a dead green woman in his arm with Goku looking very anguished at this and the original members of the team realize it's Gamora he's holding.

"She...she needs a proper place to be buried." He tells them with a heavy heart, his tone tells the team immediately he won't tell them twice as they carefully remove Gamora from Goku's grasp.

"I can't believe he would be so evil as to sacrifice his own daughter, that bastard is gonna pay." Goku grits his teeth angrily, clenching his fists tightly feeling further anger towards The Mad Titan.

"Then there's not much time to waste, you all better head over to Wakanda right away." Piccolo tells the team.

"What about you two?" Steve asks concerned, Goku managing to power down from Super Saiyan.

"We have a personal matter elsewhere, trust me it's best not to think of it. Focus on the fight and you'll come out in one piece." Piccolo says as he puts a hand on Goku's shoulder and with a heavy sigh he puts two fingers on his forehead and both disappear.

They appear in front of Khonshu who is accompanied by Moon Knight in Egypt.

"What's the situation?"

"The Gods will not interfere with Thanos's plan."

"Typical much. Half of everything is at stake and they won't even budge their fingers at it, honestly it's asinine."

"I can only power my avatar, it's the least I can do regarding the situation."

"Problem with that is your avatar here works most powerfully at night and you're already on thin ice with your brethren so betting on an attack at night is not gonna help here."

"Carol's too busy facing some dimensional creatures in another galaxy right now, our best bet right now is Wanda."

"Any luck finding Thor?" Piccolo asks Goku, Goku tapping into his instant transmission to scan around the galaxy again to pick up Thor's and lucky enough he finds but he senses it fading fast.

"Oh no!" Goku exclaims before disappearing and appearing on Nidavelir where he sees Thor sacrificing his own life taking the full force of a star to forge Stormbreaker.

"Hang in there Thor!" Goku calls out, Thor opening his eye to see faintly see Son Goku yelling at him to stay strong. Thor musters up as much remaining strength possible to keep the the star open a little longer before he loses consciousness and Goku catches him before he hits his head.

"What's going on here?" He turns to ask the other three as they're looking around to find a handle for Stormbreaker till Groot decides to make one outta his own arm, sacrificing it to complete the almighty weapon.

Thor's eyes open glowing blue as Stormbreaker flies to his grasp and electricity surrounds Thor's body, transforming back to full health and a new suit as Thor rises once more.

*Amazing, his power just spiked exponentially!* Goku watches in awe, Thor looking over to Goku and smiles.

"Glad to see you again Goku, are you here about Thanos as well?"

"I am but I need you to do a favor, Thanos is heading to another planet first and I think you can prolong his arrival to Earth while the rest of our friend deals with his army.

"Sounds like a plan, what about these two?" He points to Rocket and Groot with Stormbreaker.

"I'll take them back to Earth, good luck Thor." Goku lifts up Rocket and Groot with one arm and instant transmissions away from Nidavelir.

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