Make a Venger Out of You!

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Natasha rubs some pain ointment over Goku's light bruises across his muscular body, one that rivals Thors.

"So you really listened to a Ancient Egyptian God to beat a Greek God? Don't you think that was risque?"

"Risque? What does that mean?"

"It's like a fancier version of the word risky." Natasha tells him before she cleans her hands with a damp rag, Goku chugging down a gallon of water to replenish his thirst.

"Welp I'm tapped out for awhile, thanks for the assistance Natasha!" Goku thanks her with a satisfied smile and heads out to a spare room they gave him as he plops onto his bed and fall fast asleep.

The next remaining days seem almost alien to the members of the Avengers, Goku just chilling out around the base eating, doing light exercises, and resting. They figured he must've used too much energy in the recent times and is taking it easy.

Goku sits in front of a TV and laughs at some Three Stooges reruns showing, nothing bothering him in the slightest as everyone else watches in curiosity. Without any senzu beans around the Saiyan and Namekian must be cautious in how much they push themselves otherwise they'd be further outta commission than desired.

Goku apparently got bored and decided to find someone to talk to and just by luck Bruce Banner was the nearest person to have conversation with.

"Hey Doctor Banner it's been awhile!" Goku cheerfully greets the timid scientist who greets him back in a positive manner has well.

"Say Doc I want to experiment something with you. See you remind me alot of my friend Broly, usually quiet but when he's mad he also turns green and powerful!"

"And what precisely you want to experiment with me about?"

"I was thinking what if you and Hulk somehow managed to merge both aspects of each other together? Your smartass and his strength sounds like a fair deal."

"True but Hulk is his own person as well and we are two people having to share one body Goku."

"I'll tell you a secret: Piccolo is actually a fusion of three people."

"Wait what!?"

"Yeah! Namekian fusion is incredibly powerful but one of them is the main person in control while anyone else is in their mind least what he told me."

"So me and Piccolo have much in common?"

"Yeah I suppose, just doesn't need to get angry to get stronger."

"So what do you think I should do?"

"Definitely train with Piccolo maybe he can-"

Before Goku could finish his sentence he feels Piccolo knock him from the back of his head making him whine in pain.

"Hey what was that for!?"

"I already got a student, stop sending me more people my way!"

"Oh right..."

"It's fine Goku, maybe another time when Mister Piccolo is less busy." Bruce nervously assures the Saiyan who rubs his head with a pout.

"Just focus on meditation Banner, find equal ground with your other self." Piccolo leaves with a note of advice to the scientist before walking off.

Piccolo walks outside to see a blue blur running around the base repeatedly as the ground around it was darken by his constant speeding. Piccolo takes a sip of coffee from his mug and clears his throat.

"Okay stop running!" Piccolo orders as Pierto comes into view and collapses to the ground panting heavily and drenched in sweat, as he staggers himself up.

"You ran for 3 hours without stopping at your top speed, congratulations, you can rest for the weekend cause I'm pushing you to 3 and a half hours next time." Piccolo tells him as Pietro groans.

"You want to boast about being the fastest man alive then you train to keep that title above your head from everyone else Pietro."

"Y-Yes sir." He sighs unable to retort against that wisdom.

"Now go hit that punching bags, punch till your arms want to fall off." Piccolo sternly tells him as Pietro limps his way to the training room stifling his pain.

"You're really pushing them hard huh?" Steve asks approaching Piccolo who softens his mood towards the super soldier.

"Someone's gotta, this is a serious job not some club to just be laid back in. If you want to protect Earth you have to get stronger and smarter to stand a chance against the next threat."

"Here I thought military training camp was hell." Steve replies getting a chuckle outta Piccolo who crosses his arms.

"You're their Captain, I'm just the drill instructor they'll hate now but thank later." Piccolo says as the two loom to see Wanda in sports attire wheezing as she comes back from jogging 29 miles in total completely running on fumes by this point.

"Well done, you can pass out now." Piccolo congratulates her.

"Thank you sir!" She breathes out in weak proudness before collapsing to the floor unconscious.

"Isn't this a bit excessive?" Steve worryingly asks Piccolo.

"Wanna run 100 miles in total Rogers?"

"I'll just take Wanda to the infirmary." Steve quietly responds as he lifts up Wanda and carries her away.

"Wow Piccolo, these guys are getting worked to the bone here!" Goku says sounding impressed, Piccolo smirking proudly.

"The fun is just starting Goku, I'll whip everyone here to shape till miles of running is just a mere tickle of pain to them."

"Yep, sounds like Master Roshi's training alright!" Goku giggles thinking how Roshi made him and Krillin run around delivering milk and creating crops by hand for months as a kid.

"YOU! RUNT! PICK UP THE PACE OVER THERE!" He orders sharply at Peter Parker, the newbie who wanted to be an Avenger now feels the pressure of being one as he's forced to run around in a body suit that weighs over 20 tons in total.

"Yes Mister Piccolo Sir sorry Sir!" He exclaims in a panic as he forces himself to move faster in the suit to please his green instructor.

"Somethings never change." Goku smiles alongside Piccolo, both visualizing their years journey of extensive training and hard work getting to the levels they're in today.

"Oh ho ho tomorrow is gonna be my favorite part." Piccolo sinisterly smiles.

"Why's that?"

"DODGE!!!" Piccolo yells aloud in the sky as he fires a barrage of low level energy blasts at the entire team as they run and avoid ki blasts for dear life in the dark of night.

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