Avengers: Age of Infinity

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"Well I brought you here so you could clear your head of everything that's been bothering you." Goku says as Wanda looks in awe at the nebula before her, never thinking she of all people would be privileged enough to be in space especially within a beautiful part of it.

"There's food in the fridge for you to cook if you get hungry, I'll be back whenever you're ready." Goku says and teleports back to Earth inside of the Quinnjet.

"Hey where's my sister!?"

"Oh her? She's up in my spaceship right now, left her there to think things over."

Pietro sighs in relief, hoping his sister was okay up somewhere only astronauts are supposed to be. This truly how he wasn't expecting his day to go today.

As the Avengers approach the tower they see a alien pod in the landing deck with a green woman wearing golden armor leaning against the ship as they land down.

"One of yours I presume?" Banner asks Goku as he looks out from the cockpit to see Gamora there and smiles.

"Oh yeah that's Gamora! She's one of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy! How thoughtful of her to visit Earth while I'm here."

"Yo Gamora!" Goku calls out as he waves happily at his green female friend, Gamora smiling as she walks over and gives Goku a fist bump she learned from him.

"Hello Son Goku, I see you're finally back on Earth."

"Yeah, I wanted to stop by and see how everything was doing over here. Honestly Earth is already ten times safer with Piccolo around."

"Greetings, I'm Steve Rogers and I'd like to welcome you to Earth."

"Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan, I believe you're The Avengers?"

"That's right ma'am, what brings you around here this far out in the galaxy?"

"You have something that doesn't belong to you." She states to him, pointing a finger to Tony holding the Scepter in his hands looking like a deer in headlights.

"Gamora has been trying to collect these colorful rocks that apparently have immense power in them."

"They're not rocks, they're minerals." Gamora reminds Goku who apologizes but asks what's the difference between them.

"Rocks aren't colorful and minerals are." Gamora gives Goku the simplest explanation possible.

"Oh that makes sense then."

"Well why should I just give it to you willy nilly then?" Tony asks narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously.

Gamora sighs and throws a blade that knocks the scepter outta his hands but Natasha grabs it and gives it to Gamora.


"If Goku trusts her then we should trust her too Tony, it's better to make allies than enemies after all." Natasha scolds Tony who grumbles as he rubs his pained hand, Gamora thanks Natasha as she takes the scepter into her hands.

"These Infinity Minerals are powerful in their own right but if one person used all six of them together they can be one of the most powerful being in the universe." Gamora explains to the team, shocking them with this revelation of such power.

"Yeah, Gamora's evil father is currently searching the galaxy for these rocks and plans to wipe out half the universe if he succeeds in capturing them all." Goku continues the explanation, reminiscing of how Frieza wanted to gather all the Dragonballs on Namek to make him immortal and furrows his brow at the dark memories.

The team frowned at this information, the sheer weight of the universe placed on their backs knowing if they failed to stop Thanos in the slightest then half of all life would be on their hands.

"As of now we have two in our possession, one is locked away safely, another is hidden somewhere out there, one we cannot find, and another is still on this planet." Gamora tells them before a portal made of sparks appears in front of all of them as a feminine figure in a hooded yellow attire appears till she makes the portal dissipate with the movement of her hand.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to be in possession of the stone you seek on this planet one called Gamora, for it is in my oath to protect it at all costs." She tells the green woman as she removes her good to reveal The Ancient One.

"Heh, you're bald like my best friend Krillin!" Goku smiles pointing it out, Gamora sharply jabbing him in the ribs at the rude remark. "Ow!"

Pietro's day got even more bizarre than he anticipated, and he thought his sister and the Avengers were the weirdest things on the planet. First the strongest man stops them, kidnaps his sister, and now he's seeing a alien woman and a sorceress before him.

"Well I didn't come to Earth to leave empty handed whoever you are but I'm not going anywhere till I get that stone." Gamora snarls at the ancient who summons who mystical fans in her hands.

"Ladies ladies please, let's not resort to conflict." Thor jumps in bringing in his Thor suave to ease the tension. "Why not have a compromise? This woman here seems to be a powerful sorcerer and if she's had the stone you seek for a long time then I'm sure she could be trusted right?"

Gamora furrows her brow at The Ancient One before reluctantly standing down to everyone's relief, The Ancient One standing down as well.

"Very well, you already know the consequences of what will happened if the stone is lost."

"I do and I assure all of you it's in good hands within the walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum."

"What are your thoughts on this Goku?" Steve asks as they all turn to Goku who blinks at them.

"Well I already have magical friends back home like Dende, Mr.Popo, Fortuneteller Baba, Majin Buu, and even Piccolo in a sense. If this lady says she can protect one of the rocks then I trust her."

"I apologize Son Goku that even within all my powers I cannot be able to return such a bright soul like yours back to your proper universe, you're going to have to seek higher power if you wish to."

Goku simply nods as The Ancient One bids farewell to everyone and opens up a portal into Kamar-Taj and closes it, everyone now well aware of the threat to come.

"Tell us his name." Tony asks from Gamora.



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