DAZ Ragnarok

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Hundreds of Asgardian warriors get into a battle stance as they stare down the Goddess of Death Hela who looks unphased by their fruitless dedication to defend Asgard, listening to her monologue.

Goku and Piccolo teleport behind her when Goku sensed a dark energy on Asgard when he locked on the realm, Hela turns around confused as who has disrupted her monologue.

"Who the hell are you two?"

"MAKASEMPO!" Piccolo shouts out as a glowing speckle of crackling energy fires into a massive swirling energy attack that violently drills Hella in half, her upper body hitting the ground. The attack begins to curve around the realm as Piccolo can sense it coming back around, quickly grabbing her by the hair and throws her into the attack.

"Goku that won't hold her back forever, father everyone on Asgard and teleport them out of this place!" Piccolo sharply commands him, Goku sweats and nods as he flies away trying to find everyone else.

"We cannot simply abandon our home!" Hogun exclaims at Piccolo but he growls and raises the mace wielding warrior to his face giving him a dark look.

"Ragnarok has come Hogun, don't be ignorant as to pretend it wouldn't exist! You have a responsibility to protect Asgard so do it by helping save it's people!" Piccolo shouts and drops him aside, the Namekian warrior looking up at the rest of the soldiers who hesitantly lower their arms.

"GET TO IT!" Piccolo bellows out as they rush away from the green warrior, heading towards the mountain hideout as Piccolo flies towards the golden castle and heads down to it's vault and finds the Skull of Surtur.

He grabs the horned skull and hops over to the Eternal Flame, deciding it's best to contact Goku before starting the fireworks.

*Goku it's me, you got everyone rounded up already?*

*Yep, although you better get back here fast for whatever you're about to do cause this has to be my biggest Instant Transmission ever.* Goku responds holding Heimdall's hand as everyone else holds on to each other in a large circle that all connects to Goku.

*Don't worry about me yet, come get me before explodes so go now!* With that, Piccolo places Surtur's skull on the flames as the giant fiery demon erupts from the golden castle bellowing out in laughter.

Hella groans distorted as she reappears back all together but looks in shock to see Piccolo watching Surtur destroying Asgard to cinders, furious at the green alien for ruining her entire plan.

"Time to go!" Goku says to everyone after hearing the distant sounds of destruction as everyone braces themselves to be teleported all at once, using Heimdall's vision to help him pinpoint an exact location to Earth easier and everyone disappears away.

Hella could kill the Namekian now but she ultimately decides to attack Surtur with everything she has left, erupting massive black spikes from the ground as the two engage in a short battle.

Piccolo looks around, reminiscing of the destruction of Namek and thinking of the time he toured around Asgard. Everyone was happy, proud, at peace, but now all of it was taken away from them.

Surtur plunges his blade deep into the core of Asgard, everything immediately getting hotter and more destructive till the last moment Goku tackles Piccolo and they land back on a crowded cliff side in Norway.

"Phew, that was close." Goku sighs in relief, Piccolo dusting himself off as he gets up to see a lot of somber and concerned faces with their home no longer existing.

"Gee, makes you wish Dragonballs existed." Goku replies looking sadden by everyone, Piccolo feeling the same but kept a stoic look.

"But their lives aren't over, they're still alive and carry the legacy of their home with them wherever they go." Piccolo speaks aloud to Goku, Asgardians looking up at him.

"Sir Piccolo is right," Heimdall speaks up, everyone turning their attention to him. "We lost everything on Asgard but we still have each other and the land we once came to centuries ago. We'll rebuild! We'll have a New Asgard here and we will prevail!"

Everyone begins to smile and cheer with hope in their hearts, fueled with determination to build a new home for themselves. Goku and Piccolo smile at the Asgardians before they feel gentle hands on their shoulders as they look down to see Queen Frigga was the one who touched them.

"Thank you both." She tells them as Goku giggles and Piccolo smirks proudly, the other Asgardians surrounding them as they cheer and thank their outside heroes for their survival.

"Although now that I think about it, where even is Thor?" Piccolo asks as the name gets everyone around thinking where did their prince went since he left Asgard not too long ago.

"Oh you got to be kidding." Doctor Strange says besides Wong as they come out of a sling portal to see what was the disturbance on Earth.

"Oh it's you, it's a bad time to be a smartass right now so I suggest you say your next words carefully." Piccolo growls at him, being defensive towards the people.


"We welcome you with open arms to Earth." Wong kindly greets with a respectful bow, saving face for Strange.

"Good, you can start by offering them help constructing their new home here." Piccolo tells them before preparing to take flight but Goku exclaims in shock at something that disturbs jim.

"Uh! I-I can't sense Thor at all! His energy is just nowhere in the galaxy!" Goku reveals causing the Asgardians to become concerned and afraid of the safety of their prince.

"What!?" Piccolo turns back shocked.

"I'm trying to find him but he's not appearing anywhere!" Goku grits his teeth trying to focus all his concentration finding Thor to no avail, his signature energy nowhere in sight.

"This is bad, what the hell did he get himself into?"

Meanwhile Thor floats in space unconscious amongst the debris of the ship taken from Sakkar, badly injured and untraced by Goku.

To Be Continued

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