2 (Comfort

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TW: Mentions of Familial Emotional and Psychological abuse

This is a little vent and I'll explain more at the end

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3:02 am

Gus was suddenly awoken by a buzzing sound to the right of his head. "What, who's-" but his question was answered before his groggy voice could finish his sentence. Matt was calling. Gus read the ID, and quickly picked up his scroll, answering the call.

"Matt? Are you okay?"

"They're fighting again."

Gus didn't have to ask who he was talking about. Mattholomule's parents haven't been exactly present in his life, where he had grown apart from them concerning their abusive habits toward each other.

"Can I come over?" Matt asked, his voice shaking.

"Yeah, you're always welcome. Want me to come get you?"

"No, I'll be there in a few minutes." Matt answered. Augustus heard the strain in his friend's voice.

"Okay, be safe." Gus finished.

"Bye." Matt hung up the call.

3:06 am

Gus turned over in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He laid there a while, unable to think of anything other than Matt; he must be really upset.

3:12 am

Gus's thoughts were interrupted by a slight tapping on his window. Sitting up in bed, he turned on the lamp set on his nightstand, then turned to look towards the noise. Seeing the faint silhouette of his friend, he quickly got out of bed and went to let Matt in. As he opened the window, he noticed how red Matt's face was. Gus held out his hand; Mattholomule took it and was hoisted through the open window.

"T- thanks for letting me stay here tonight." Matt stammered, holding back tears, his cheeks burning.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" Gus asked in a worried tone, moving closer to steady his friend.

"They got into another argument, a- and started screaming," Matt couldn't contain it anymore. "I didn't know what to do, they were fighting and I didn't want to get hurt." he said while beginning to cry. His knees felt weak, and Gus caught him right before he crumpled to the ground.

There, on the floor, clutching to his friend, head buried in Gus's chest, Matt sobbed. Through tears he told Gus about the screaming, the fighting, the gaslighting, and the guilt. And Augustus listened. Overcome with emotion, pain, and anger, all Matt could do was cry, his warm tears staining the front of Gus's sweatshirt. He wrapped his arms around his friend tighter, as his is head flooded with memories.

Matt was shaking, barely able to breath, still crying uncontrollably. He had held this in for so long.

3:32 am

Gently combing his hands through Mattholomule's hair while rubbing his back, Gus comforted his companion.

"It's, okay, you're safe here." Gus said in a steady tone.

"But what about when I have to g- go back?" Matt stuttered, taking sharp breaths between words. "We don't have to worry about that now, and you'll always have me." Gus replied. Matt seemed to calm down a bit after Gus's answer, feeling slightly relived, loosening his grip around his friends back.

Gus moved his arms from Mattholomule's back, and turned Matt's face up toward his own. After giving him a gentle peck on his forehead, Augustus started drying Matt's tears with his sweatshirt sleeve, having to redry some spots because Matt was still crying.

3:40 am

Slowly standing up, Gus lead Matt to his bed. After both boys laid down, Matt turned and wrapped his arms around Gus, again burying his head into his chest, still crying. Gus wrapped his arms around Matt's back, holding him closer.

3:48 am

"Gus?.." Matt questioned, breaking the silence.


"Thank you."

Matt wanted to say so much more, but he couldn't find the words.

Gus moved one of his arms, gently running his hand through Matt's tangled hair. Matt hugged Gus tighter, tears streaming down his face once again.


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[630 words]

Thank you for reading this. I wrote this intended for a vent regarding something I've been trying to cope with recently. My family has been having problems, mainly to do with emotional abuse, so that part is similar. The song "Be Nice To Me" by The Front Bottoms inspired some of the writing. The events in the fic are not parallel to real life, it's just my way to write about and get it all out of my head. -Marcel

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