9 (Coffee [Parts 1&2/3)

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This suggestion was courtesy of Henry, my dear Idiot. Enjoy my sleep-deprived brain spewing Tolkien inspired words onto my laptop keyboard.
So these were originally two parts, but I added them together here. These are parts one and two out of three. Part three is unwritten at the moment sorry about that. Enjoy.

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Gus laid quietly, his legs and arms spread out on the slightly itchy crab grass outside of his Hexside school. His eyes closed, he listened to the chirping of ordinary birds and the whooshing of wind in the trees. His vision was dark red, as it is when bright light- better yet-, the sun, is shining through thin flesh akin to eyelids. His mind was clear, which is quite unusual for this day and age of Witch Youth.

Mattholomule was not known for his punctuality. His grades had previously dropped, at least in some part due to his lateness and tendencies to skip class. But, most had changed when he became friends, or maybe even more with Augustus. 

Earlier that day, Gus had invited Matt to meet him in the west courtyard after their last classes. Mattholomule was curious; they'd only ever made plans away from school, and never somewhere so near the town. Both enjoyed exploring Autumn wilderness relatively more than hanging around Bonesborough. But so, on this day, Matt made his way to their agreed-upon meeting point.
As he rounded the final brick corner of the school to his destination, he spotted his (boy)friend(?) laying on the grass with his bag leaned up against a maroon colored, thick trunked tree. Why was he questioning his friendship status with Gus? After all, they had kissed before. was this a date? should he have worn something more suitable for an outing? Damned be these feelings. he considered them to be 'Witch-Error", similar to "Human-Error". He'd never had a boy(or any other kind of)friend before, though I'm not so sure he would have even realized it if he had or not! 
All I can say, lovely readers, is that Mattholomule has Absolutely No Idea What His Feelings Are Doing.

Augustus' pointed ears twitched, as they did when experiencing a somewhat unexpected sound. He had ultimately expected to hear birds and wind and faint chattering from the not-so-far-away town of Bonesborough, but he only half expected footsteps. As far as he knew, Matt would or would not show up, and either were completely anticipated or unanticipated in all senses of the words. Faith is a wonderful thing to let go of, when the time is right.

Mattholomule approached Gus, kneeling down so his wavy hair was hovering just above the other's face. Gus smirked and opened his eyes. 

"How long have you been waiting for me?" Matt pulled away and looked upwards before he could do anything  he considered to be stupid.

Gus' brows furrowed. "Not long. just enjoying the weather before the frickin snow comes."

"Fuckin snow," Matt corrected with a cocky grin.

"Oh hush." he playfully batted the air above him, attempting -and failing- to swat Matt on his pretty curl-haired head.
 'Pretty curl-haired head'?! Augustus internally slapped himself. 'What the hell is your problem?? calm the fuck down, he doesn't feel like that. get it into your silly little head'

"Sooooo..." Matt's words pulled Gus out of his mind space. 
"Is there a reason you dragged me over here just to make me wait while you stare at the sky?"

"I did not 'drag' you. I simply asked you to meet me here so I could ask something of you."

"Oh yeah? and what's that?" 

"I was wondering, if you would be so kind as to join myself, Hunter and Edric for afternoon tea." he quipped with a mocking British accent. He sat up with his legs crossed. 

"Of course!, my dear sir," Matt bowed down, extending an imaginary top hat from his head, holding his other arm behind his back.
Gus took it, and was hoisted up from the ground.

They laughed, then set out to a destination that Matt wasn't so sure of, though Augustus seemed to know the way. Soon enough they were on the stone-covered paths of Bonesborough. Gus suddenly turned, walking upon an obscure alley. Mattholomule noticed a small building marked with a low hanging teacup looking sign. Gus stepped in first, holding the door for his companion. 

"How many do we have seated on this fine day?" A short, stout woman greeted them at the door. How did she appear out of thin air?- we might never guess. She had on a grey apron with the same picture of a teacup as outside. Green hair with black roots complimented her auburn eyes.

"We are meeting two others -"
"Already here!" She interrupted. "This way please," she gestured to the isle to the right side of her. They followed her to the table. 

"Mattholomule!, Augustus!" Edric greeted them with Hunter by his side. They were together at a booth, which was decorated with carved wood and the seats consisted of cracking red plastic covers. Hunter gazed towards Edric, as he'd finally had someone to call a love for the first time in his life. He imagined floating in star-filled eyes while holding the green-haired boy's hand underneath the wall-set table.

Gus and Matt took their seats in their respective booth.

Sometime after the witches started conversation -occasionally bickering, as anyone would-, a group of boys at about Hunter and Edric's age stared snickering at them.

Edric felt Hunter's hand grasp a bit tighter than it was before. He squeezed it back, wordlessly telling him to ignore them. Hunter looked into Edric's eyes, and the green haired witch relayed a smile, reassuring him on the situation.

"Aw, the queer is holding his boyfriend's hand, how sweet-" One of them cooed in a faux tone. Hunter's blood boiled. He tried to suppress the anger. It only worked for a moment.

Hunter stood, letting go of Edric's hand. He pointed at the boys accusatorily.
"Piss off! I bet you'd like to be able to hold someone's hand, wouldn't you? Well you probably can't, on the account of how miserable you must feel every day to pick on actual happy people. Jealousy is a form of oppression, did you know that? You probably didn't according to the size of your brain being akin to a peanut. You'll never know the true feeling of Ellipsism, probably because you don't even know half the definition to said word anyways! I'll give you a hint, its the feeling that you'll never be able to know how life will go until you get there, but at least I have something to be happy about at the moment. So go shove your fragile masculinity up your butler's a-" Edric jabbed Hunter in the side with his elbow, who scowled back at him.
The group stared at them in disbelief. They then realized that the rest of the café was staring at them, too.

"Do we have a problem?" Their waitress appeared at their table. Her brows scrunched together, though she still maintained a feigned smile.

"We're okay," Gus told her.
She didn't look quite convinced, but she left their side.

The rest of the café customers decided that whatever they were doing beforehand is more important than belligerent kids.

Gus could tell Matt wasn't the most comfortable. His eyes kept moving towards the earlier boys. He bounced his leg like he did when he was nervous. He scooted closer to Gus out of habit. Gus made him feel safe, even if his conscious mind hadn't figured it out yet.

They returned to their conversation. They ordered their drinks. They got a pan of chips to share. The pan was one of those red ones, which sometimes are left a bit too close to an oven, melting the woven plastic.
They drank their orders, and ate their snack. And all the while, Matt bounced his leg, and flicked his eyes towards the boys.

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[1279 Words]

Tribute to 'Love, Victor' S3E7 'The Gay Award':
"Your face is so busted your hairline's literally running away from it and I am a virgin Clark Kent. I am the moment. You are sad. You're ignorant. You're yesterday. So I think you and your little backup dancer should should probably get going, or you might be late to your micro-dick meeting." -Raheem

My writing has changed a bit, do you like it? 

I must say that this fic was partially inspired by this splendid image here

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I must say that this fic was partially inspired by this splendid image here. 


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