12(Pet Rocks

809 19 23

my mother suggested the idea for this and i absolutely loved it, so here it is.
Written during my vacation, as promised.
oh so i fucked up and you probably won't get the notification that this was published, this was the old "Update Part something" one so the reads and votes are a lie, sorry about that. if it becomes a problem then i'll reformat it.

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A lowly rocking chair slowly shuttled back and fourth, creaking quietly as it did so. Gus sat there, scrolling down pages on his phone as he read. He kept a perfect rhythm of things, tapping his foot on the ground in order to continue alternating the chair, his thumb sliding across the screen when he would fall backwards, and inhaling swiftly when he would move forwards. He kept that up for a while, simply existing while waiting for his boyfriend to arrive.

A little while later, maybe fifteen minutes or so, -though the exact amount of time didn't matter much to Gus in any case- a succession of short knocks at the dark mahogany door announced his visitor. He jumped up, a smile already spread across his face. He struggled with the doorknob for a moment; The damn thing had begun to stick lately. Eventually he swung the door open wide without checking the peephole, and looked down at Mattholomule. He immediately noticed one side of the boy's head was cleanly shaved.

"What the hell did you do?" Gus asked, though not unkindly. More of a knowing banter-like tone.
"Oh yeah-" Matt ran his hand over the buzzed section of his head.
"Three-am dumb decision? Do ya' like it?" His elated smile brought Gus' attention, one of his canines sharply touching his bottom lip due to a bit of an overbite. Gus could tell his lips were dry and chapped. He stepped to the side in order to let Matt inside.

"It's a good look on you." He answered genuinely.

Matt cocked his head to the side ever so slightly. "Uhuh. Definitely." he teased.
"Really! It looks nice!" Gus insisted, lifting his hands to emphasize while closing the door behind him.
Matt raised his hands to the side of his head in surrender. "Thanks."
Gus let out a fake huff, then smiled. "Little Dope."
"Big Jerk." Matt countered.
"Tiny Bald." Gus chaffed.
"Hey!" Matt attacked him without any real force. An epic battle ensued, which Matt was losing. Even though he worked in construction, he was still weaker than Gus, and they both knew it. They ended up with Matt leaning backwards akin to a limbo game, with Gus holding his right wrist and leaning over him, smirking.

"Fuck you." Matt scowled in ardent irritation.
Gus grinned and swiftly kissed his chin, the tiny bit of scruff poking his lips.
"Anyways." Gus righted himself, pulling a flustered and grumbling Matt towards the kitchen.
A shoebox filled with unorganized tubes of paint, a few different sized paint brushes, a pile of folded newspapers, a tin of cornstarch, and two grey fist-sized rocks sat atop the table. 

"What's this?" Mattholomule moved snake-like next to the supplies, poking at them as his eyes dilated. "You didn't." He looked back enthusiastically.
"I did." Gus answered.
Matt beamed. "I haven't made one of those since I was small! Didn't we see some of them-.." he trailed off, trying to remember. 
"At the farmers market a couple weeks ago, I remember." He prompted him.
"Yes! And there was that funny one with the faux hair."
"Absolutely." Gus grinned. He absolutely remembered how excited his boyfriend had gotten that day. And so, as anyone does, obviously he decided making them would be a wonderful stay-at-home date idea.

Mattholomule jumped at Gus and hugged him, accidentally pinning his arms to his sides. Gus shrieked with laughter and grinned into the other's shoulder. Matt let go after just a moment, kissing his partner on the cheek before busying himself with spreading newspaper over the table. 
Gus went to fill a cup with water, grinning over at Matt's giddy state. In the moment, he could seem childlike to anyone else, but to Gus he was endearing.

"What's with the cornstarch?," he asked, already inspecting the tin.
"Ah. Paint thickener." Augustus responded.
Satisfied with the explanation, Matt set the container down as Gus  did the same with the water. 

"Well, shall we?" Gus smiled towards Matt.
"Yess!," He let the 's' draw out longer than necessarily in order to emphasize. He silently let Gus choose which rock first, though both were virtually the same. 

In the span of just about an hour, they had painted their rocks awell as themselves, much on accident- Nothing stain remover couldn't fix. The finishing touches were some googly-eyes for the two of them, and a felt-tongue for Matt's rock. 

"What are their names?" Gus asked once they were content with the end result. his was decorated with mostly yellow and blue, whereas Matt's had a reddish-black and purple with a bit of orange here and there. 

"Aderyn.," he paused. "and Bisman."

"Uhuh.." Gus smiled, his tongue sticking between his teeth just a bit. He pointed at their creations. "And what obscure meanings do those names have?"

Matt's cheeks glowed just a bit. "Well, Aderyn is a Welsh, generally feminine name that means 'bird', which I thought was funny because of the little wing I painted and that rocks very much cannot fly, although sometimes the name is meant to show fiery or 'red' characteristics. Hence the red parts," he continued. "As for Bisman, it's masculine and of Indian origin, meaning 'dark blue'." He looked expectantly towards Gus.

He answered, always fascinated by Matt's knowledge of names and their meanings. "Sounds amazing, genuinely. Question, though." He gesticulated his hands out in front of him. "Why Welsh?" he looked quizzically.

"I like the way their accents sound." he tittered.

"Course you do. Who have you been watching? You need to cut back on the Rhys Ifans and Michael Sheen, really."

"No! They're all I have in life!" he bantered. 

"What am I then? Minced meat?" He was joking, of course.

Matt scooted his chair out and stood up. "Not even that; just a chicken-wing bone I'd thrown in the trash."

Gus followed suit. "Definitely. I'll just have to take my rock and live only with him, won't I?"

"Course not! I'll be right there with you." He looked just a bit down towards Gus, who -just might- have strategically stood close enough to brush their arms when he moved. 

"Course you will be." he looked upwards. 

It wasn't surprising when Mattholomule bridged the gap between them. Gus slowly wound his hand to the back of Matt's head, his other hand finding it's way to the side of Matt's face. Mattholomule already had his hands at Gus' sides, holding just above his hips. Gus tasted like honey, due to chapstick applied just a bit earlier. Matt smiled at that thought. 
Gus broke away a few moments later, chuckling and dropping his head to Matt's shoulder, who pulled him closer into more of an embrace. It was warm, and felt like home.

"I could just about stay here forever." Gus murmured while exhaling.
"Me too, love."

They stayed there a while longer. Only to be simply lost in the notion that in this vast expanse of countless nebulas, they were really here. They exist together.


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[1166 Words]

are you guys happy wow look i gave you 1000+ words for the fist time in months can you believe it????

I'm getting envious of the people in my own damn fic, godsdamnit.

so if Good Omens get's enough views/watches to satisfy amazon, then the third season will be confirmed so please please do me a favour and watch it.
also just watch it because it's amazing and there's like three references in here so go watch it. if you have time to read my fanfiction then you have time for good omens so go. love you and thank you so very much for reading and voting <3


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