11 (Solace

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Hi lovelies. Thank you for all your comments, kindness and support while I've been away. 
I cannot sleep, so I'm gonna write this fic and i won't stop until it's done, so I apologize if it has no plot and errors <3
Please enjoy.

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Mattholomule climbed his home stairs, walked to his room, opened the door, then immediately went to flop down on his bed in exasperation. He pulled his phone out of his sweatshirt pocket while unlocking it out of habit, even if it was just to check the time. He scrolled through some of his social media (as a teenage youth does), then was stopped by a notification banner popping up onto his screen.

:Gus <3: How are you doing love? :
Matt smiled and rolled onto his back holding his phone to his chest, his neck propped up.
:Matt: better than earlier 

Earlier, as one might expect, wasn't much good at all. Matt had bumped into a classmate during a chemistry lesson, shattering an empty glass vile in the process. He immediately went to pick up the pieces, but their teacher yelled at him that he would cut himself on the shards. Little did she know, he had cleaned up broken glass at home more times than he should have in his young years. Not only that, but he was part of the construction track, where some labor was involved other than just spell circles. This made his hands somewhat leathery and not susceptible to tiny bits of glass.

:Gus <3: Earlier isn't much to compare to :

He'd had Augustus' name saved in his contacts as 'Gus <3' since they started dating, and Gus found it quite adorable. 
Matt couldn't exactly think of how to respond, but was saved by another message from Gus.

:Gus <3: Would you like to come over for a while?

:Matt: yea that'd be nice. be over in a bit then? :

:Gus <3: I'll be here :

Matt stood up, placing his phone in his pocket and pulling his hood over his head in one swift motion. He creaked down the stairsteps, sneaking through the backdoor. He pulled his corded headphones out of his pocket and plugged them into his phone, which was still seated in his pocket.
Mattholomule made quick work of walking to Gus' house. He didn't bother knocking; he just opened the door, greeted Perry, and went upstairs. He lightly knocked on Gus' door, and opened it without hearing an answer. Gus was seated at his desk, headphones on. He looked over at Matt and smiled. 
Matt didn't say anything; he walked over to Gus (who had taken his headphones off by now), turned the swivel chair a bit towards him, sat down, and straddled the other boy, who was just a bit confused. Nevertheless, he continued what he was working on as if nothing had changed. 
The clicking of the mouse and tapping of the keyboard continued, their slowed breathing continued, and the world continued to turn as if nothing was the matter at all.

"You comfortable?"
"Mhm." Matt mumbled through Gus' shoulder.
"How was your day?" He knew the answer to this question, though decided to keep up with formalities, no matter how informal this situation was.
"Ah. Anything I could do to help?"

Matt quite liked where he was, though sometime soon he could do with a bit less awkward seating-place.
Gus seemed to take Matt's silence as an answer, leaning his head back while correcting his horrid posture. He ran his left hand through Matt's hair and kissed the side of his head, briefly smelling pine wood.

Every moment of every day since Matt had seen Gus last; every emotion and every yell and every tear, never depending on what it was from, was made up for. Matt felt whole. Like two pieces to a puzzle, and Gus was the other piece.
Gus drew stars around Matts scars. Gus laid next to Matt as the world caved in. Gus knew Matt had given enough when they both would ask, "Haven't I given enough?". Gus took Matts eyes, hips, and thighs, when Matt took a new shape, switched out some parts and became a big A. Gus washed the shoes that others had tossed in Matt's washing machine heart. Gus dug two graves for the both of them; he didn't pretend Matt was perfect. And he took on the world of things they both would hear.


Gus shut his laptop and looked to the boy in his lap. Matt inhaled his scent through his sweatshirt. The small bit of scruff on his chin caught on the shirt's fibers.

"Would you like to lie down?"
Matt nodded his head.
"You might have to get up in order to do that, love."
"Yeah." He still didn't move.
"Like I said, I'm comfortable."
"Uhuh. Get off." His tone wasn't unkind, more fondly annoyed.
"Aaaaaaa.." He stood up and flopped onto the bed. Gus followed suit, though sat behind Matt and pulled him up to his chest. He looked down and kissed Matt lightly. Matt's eyes lit up and he smirked.
"Yippekiyay-motherfucker-I'm gay." Matt snorted. 
Gus shook his head while smiling. This was it. He really had this. And he would move heaven and earth to never let go of it.

[ 終わり ]

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The bit about Gus was obviously about songs and their titles. Here's the list (in order), if you're interested.
cardigan -Taylor Swift
As The World Caves In -Matt Maltese
Gilded Lily - Sped up -Cults
Blow My Brains Out -Tikkle Me
Washing Machine Heart -Mitski

This oneshot is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, who on multiple occasions has taught me how to appreciate and love my life. He's the reason I continue. 


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