6 (Cabin

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future Marcel here ;w;.
okay letting you know, i actually really don't like the plot line of this story. it has implied slash stuff, so please be cautious. sexual things in the oneshot and i dislike it, but i'm not going to delete or change it. love you guys <3
i wrote this is both of them are 19 years old.

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[Part One: Lightning]

A deafening horn blared, startling Matt awake. He snapped his eyes open, jumping in his seat. Perry narrowly missed a deer as it ran across the road, standing on the break and laying on the horn.

Gus looked worriedly at the anxious boy next to him, gingerly holding his hand. Matt took in his surroundings, then relaxed. He slowly returned his head to resting on Gus's shoulder. They were in the back of Gus's family van, on their way to an isolated cabin deep in the mountains. Augustus and his Dad insisted Matt join them on their vacation.

Gus stared out the window into the darkness surrounding them, occasionally glimpsing flashes of finger-like branches grazing the windows. He looked down at Matt, then smiled, closing his eyes. He squeezed the other boy's hand, comforting him.

Loud noises scared Mattholomule, but lightning strikes were the worst. They sent a tingling sensation up his spine, his skin prickling at the slightest touch. Nobody dared touch him during lightning storms, except for Gus, that is.

"You doing okay?" Gus spoke softly to Matt.

Mattholomule nestled his head into Augustus's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"Just tired." He answered drowsily.

Gus wrapped his arms around Matt, sheltering him from the noise.

Perry looked at the boys through the rear view mirror, then smiled.

The two fell asleep, resting together.

✧Time skip✧

Gus opened his eyes slightly, his gaze obscured by Matt's hair. He shifted in his seat, moving to look out the window.

Pink light littered wispy clouds on the horizon, casting dark shadows under trees and onto the road. He nudged Matt, waking him up.


"Matt, look at the clouds." Augustus pointed to the skyline.

"I've never seen ones like that before." Mattholomule looked in wonder for a short time, then rested his head onto Gus's chest. He felt the rise and fall of the other boy's breath, their heartbeats matching the same pace. Soft classical music played on the radio in the background.

✧Short Time Skip✧

"Kids, we're here." The van pulled into a small dirt lot, approximately 20 yards away from a moderately sized wooden cabin.

The two pulled away from each other, Matt rubbing his eyes while yawning.

Gus checked the time: 6:31 am. They'd been asleep for almost four hours.

Both boys unbuckled their seatbelts, then stood up. Matt heard Gus crack his back, raising his arms above his head.

Mattholomule breathed in the crisp early morning air as he stepped out of the car. Gus followed, placing his hand on the other boy's shoulder, glancing down and smiling at him.

"Do you need help with anything?" Matt asked Mr. Porter as he was unpacking the car.

"Nope, you boys go explore. Might wake you up a bit. I'm going to go on a day hike, probably wont be back before sundown." He smiled.

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